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Subject: RE: [provision] Additional aggregation/composition use cases required?

Continuing this thread (after a long delay, I apologize).

Recall this is the scenarios where a PSP uses other PSPs to provision a
service.   As I look at the existing use cases, I think we need to consider
the extensions from the following perspectives:
   A PSP that is aggregating services by serving as a retail front to back
   end PSPs; the back end PSPs are unaware of the identity of the original
   RA and knows only the identity of the PSP.  For each request, the PSP
   switches identities so that the back end PSP sees only the single PSU
   (which represents the front end PSP).
   A PSP that is aggregating services by serving as a simple broker to the
   back end PSPs; the back end PSPs are aware of the identity of the
   original RA.
   A PSP acting as a more sophisticated broker offering services composed
   of those provided by back end PSPs.  Those back end services may or may
   not be referenced using the retail aggregation or the simple broker

I think the way to approach this is to have new use cases which are similar
to 9, 10, 11 and 12.  These cases would be PSP-PSP rather than PSP-PST.  In
the retail front end case, the PSP would share accounts on the remote PSPs
with multiple RAs.  The easiest way to think of this might be a PST/RA-PSP
connection, where the PST provides multiple PSTDs as per use case 9,
mapping them to a single PSTD on the backend PSP by acting as an RA.  The
simple aggregation case is just that, with each PSP-PST call matched by a
PST/RA-PSP call.  The composition case requires the PSP to manage the
aggregated services to appear as one.  I picture a PSP-PST call where the
PST acts as multiple RAs the back end PSPs, aggregating (composing) the
back end PSTDs.

Should the use cases reflect PSP-PSP operations, or perhaps it makes more
sense to show them as PST/RA-PSP?

Use cases 1-8 would be unchanged.

Use case 13 would need extended to include the PSP-PSP case, or the
PST/RA-PSP case if we went that route.

Use cases 16 and 17 would not change, but would require the PSP to
represent the PSP-PSP resources just like it must represent the PSP-PST
resources.  For the retail front and aggregation cases they will be a
reflection of the back end PSP-PSTs.  In the composition case, the PSP
response would need to reflect the composed service.

For use case 18, both the retail model and the composed models would manage
the PSU/PSTD relationships on their own.  Use case 18 might need to be
extended for the aggregation model, the PSP would in theory need to query
the PST/RA-PSP for the PSU/PSTD relationships (though likely they would be


Mike Polan
IBM Canada Ltd

|         |           Tony Gullotta    |
|         |           <TGullotta@access|
|         |           360.com>         |
|         |                            |
|         |           08/07/2002 03:56 |
|         |           PM               |
|         |                            |
  |                                                                                                                                                  |
  |       To:       Mike Polan/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, provision@lists.oasis-open.org                                                                     |
  |       cc:                                                                                                                                        |
  |       Subject:  RE: [provision] Additional aggregation/composition use cases requ       ired?                                                    |
  |                                                                                                                                                  |
  |                                                                                                                                                  |

I definitely think these scenarios should be covered. In my opinion, its
better to separate them into separate use cases so they can be given the
proper focus so not to miss any subtle differences. Then, when
implementing a protocol specification, look for the similarities and try
to merge all the concepts into one consistent implementation.


-----Original Message-----
From: mpolan@ca.ibm.com [mailto:mpolan@ca.ibm.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 12:49 PM
To: provision@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [provision] Additional aggregation/composition use cases

Sorry for my delay in continuing this thread.  Darran and I have been
discussing whether or not additional use cases are needed, and we wanted
get the opinion of the rest of the group.

The use cases that I am proposing involve the thought that services
provisioned may be either aggregated or composed by a PSP.  By
I mean that a PSP may be a single access point offering services
by other PSPs.  By composition, I mean a service offered by a PSP is
composed of services offered by other PSPs.

The high level flow would be:  RA to PSP [to one or more PSPs] to their
respective PSTs.  One or more would distinguish between aggregation and
composition (if we should find a distinction to be necessary), and the
square brackets indicate that those PSPs might in turn use composition
aggregation to provide those services.

I think the issues to be resolved center around how and to where
flow, ie: which systems know about jdoe and jsmith (from the discussion
below).  One model is that a PSP becomes an RA to the next PSP.  As an
which identities does the PSP pass through to the PSP on the next level?
Does the PSP/RA use an internal identity itself?  Similarly, we'd need
figure out how/when PSU-IDs and PSTD-IDs would be created and flow.

Should the model be that the PSP to PST flow is the same as the RA to
flow, so that aggregation/composition are simply the existing flows?
is, should it matter to the PSP or the RA that the PST is provided by a
separate PSP?  I would expect that security, billing and SLA
will come into play here.

Depending on what we decide with the above, most of the use cases would
affected.  In particular, we would need to look at a UC #9 & 10, perhaps
adding a PSP-PSP version for add PSTD.  Does is make sense to add new
or should we generalize the existing ones?  I think this question pivots
around whether the back end PSPs are aware of the original RAs or not.

Mike Polan
IBM Canada Ltd

|         |           jbohren@opennetwo|
|         |           rk.com (Jeff     |
|         |           Bohren)          |
|         |                            |
|         |           07/26/2002 01:37 |
|         |           PM               |
|         |                            |

  |       To:       Mike Polan/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
  |       cc:       provision@lists.oasis-open.org
  |       Subject:  Re: [provision] A Proposal for using DSML for


That is pretty much the gist of it, as I see it. There is an implied
party, which is the party (most likely a system) that makes the request
protocol layer. Suppose that the RA is a provisioning system (system A)
one domain and the PSP is a provisioning system (system B) in another.
There is
a supervisor user named jdoe that has rights to request a PSTD for
Now the trust relationships would be:

Systems A and B have a trust relationship.
System A has the rights to impersonate user jdoe.
jdoe has the rights to request a PSTD for user jsmith

So then the flow might be:

1) jdoe requests a PSTD for jsmith in System A.
2) System A sends a DSML addRequest to System B, using the authRequest
to refer to jdoe.
3) System B processes the request and sends a response to System A.
4) System A sends a response to jdoe.

In this case System B has knowledge of all three parties involved in the

Although these are interesting questions, does anyone have any comments
about the overall notion of using DSML for provisioning? Is this
makes sense?

Jeff B.

mpolan@ca.ibm.com wrote:

> Can I play this back to make sure I understand?
> The RA requests a PSTD for the principle specified in the request
> there will be authorization of
> 1) The RA as entitled to request PSTDs
> 2) the RA as entitled to act for the principle in requesting this PSTD
> particular
> 3) The principle of being entitled to have the new account allocated
> Is that right?
> I've been wondering if a 3rd party should be added as a parameter to
> and related requests.  The use cases support the delegation of request
> that is a PSP or PST becoming an RA in order to complete a
> request, right?  If a request has been delegated, might it be
> also know the original RA?
> Mike Polan
> IBM Canada Ltd

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