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Subject: RE: [provision] Fw: SPML Roadmap


My previous note illustrated how the SPML current model might accommodate a
complex structure. This note attempts to address your remarks with regard to
that approach. SPML is an evolving standard that currently supports a core
set of capabilities, which serves versatile customer needs. The SPML
specification is undergoing a process that will endow it with powerful
capabilities based on the current spec and the roadmap. In light of the
benefits such an approach offers – the overhead you mentioned with regard to
parsing is in my opinion justified. In any case, I do not consider parsing
to be an obstacle, particularly if it is based on a clear and firm set of
rules. The capability of a standard to be somehow agnostic with respect to
data structure scheme is on the other hand an incredible asset. 

With regard to the first point in your letter, my first note suggested to
use elements such as <properties> to further define and scope types,
requiring a modest effort from the PSTC to define appropriate attribute
names to support them.
The following illustrates how the <properties> element might be used to
refer to a specific type. In the example, two attribute/value pairs refer to
the specific schema file and type definition, respectively, and additional
pairs may be used to provide more pertinent information should such a
requirement come up. This example should be regarded as a suggested
approach, not necessarily a full-blown, syntactically proof solution. The
issue discussed is not addressed by the current SPML specification per se,
and there are various alternative paths that address the same requirement
and should clearly be discussed and examined by the committee.  
	<objectClassDefinition name="Residence">
			<objectClassDefinitionReference name="Complex">
  					<schemaID>[reference to schema file,
e.g. to xsd file] </schemaID> 

					<attr name="SchemaType">
						<value>[PSTC-set ID for
specific data format, e.g. ‘XMLSchema’] </value>
					<attr name="ObjectType">

Note: The objectClassDefinitionReference chosen name attribute (e.g.
“Complex”) is required to be a reserved keyword. The choices for
schemaIDType and schemaID depend on the relevant reference to an XMLSchema,
and may be set by the committee as well.
The properties' SchemaType and ObjectType attribute names should also be
reserved keywords.

As for the 2nd point. I believe that there are several possible ways to
transport the attribute value – including pulling the XML content out of the
container (and replacing it with a link), or encoding the value. The
definition of DSML attribute values permits the following types: UTF-8,
base64Binary, and any URI. Using Base64 to encode the XML in <value> seems
to be a valid option. Base64 is a very common encoding and does not pose a
considerable overhead in terms of performance. XML Data can be represented
as Base64 and while this requires conversions at both ends and results in a
33% larger data size, it is simple to implement. In addition, there are
public domain utilities/classes providing fast Base64 encoding and decoding.

As for the 3rd point, one can make the requested modification – and not
necessarily by replacing the whole attribute value. It will depend on the
scope/type defined and referenced. 

The prospect of decoupling the schema from data structure presentation
format is a compelling argument in favor of the approach demonstrated
herein. While the importance of XML Schema is evident there are other data
description languages/conventions (not necessarily XML-based), which
currently, and may also in the future enjoy support from various parties. In
my opinion, any proposal for SPML should be able to accommodate various
alternatives and not be orbiting around XML Schema-like options alone.

I truly hope that there is a way to fuse the benefits of both approaches –
yours and that of the current SPML specification, in a way that will satisfy
all parties and meet the requirements of all customers. That said, the SPML
specification and roadmap documents present appealing concepts that deserve
to be seriously considered as well. In order to make real progress with
regard to this ongoing discussion, I believe that the committee needs to be
presented with a full-fledged alternative or modification proposal, and have
that proposal evaluated subject to our concerns as well. It will be both
imperative and interesting to see how any alternative supports the
non-trivial aspects presented in the SPML specification AND roadmap
documents, and how it supports the needs experienced by vendors and
customers planning to implement SPML soon.

Best regards,


Rami Elron
Senior System Architect
Security Business Unit
BMC Software Ltd.

Tel: 972 3 766 2434
Fax: 972 3 645 1100
Mobile: 972 64 286 434
email: rami_elron@bmc.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Gearard Woods [mailto:gewoods@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 8:25 PM
To: Elron, Rami
Cc: Cohen, Doron; provision@lists.oasis-open.org; Elron, Rami
Subject: RE: [provision] Fw: SPML Roadmap 

I don't think that what you are suggesting is practical within the context
of the current SPML.  Here's a few of the reasons why:
1. You still have not identified which schema element in the referenced
schema represents your type - a schema document may contain many type
2. XML Schema instance documents cannot be transported in a DSML attribute
value as you have shown because DSML attribute values may only be strings
which precludes the use of raw XML.  You would instead have to escape it so
your example:
<attribute name="XMLData">
        <simplepersonprofile xmlns:xsi="http://www.vocoder.org/XMLSchema">
              <address>6th street</address>
              <state>United States</state>
              <title>marketing manager</title>
              <date>January 2002</quantity>
              <manager>Dan Becker</price>
              <description>Let’s party</price>
         </simplepersonprofile >

Now becomes:

<attribute name="XMLData">
              &lt;address&gt;6th street&lt;/address&gt;
              &lt;state&gt;United States&lt;/state&gt;
              &lt;title&gt;marketing manager&lt;/title&gt;
              &lt;date&gt;January 2002&lt;/quantity&gt;
              &lt;manager&gt;Dan Becker&lt;/price&gt;
              &lt;description&gt;Let’s party&lt;/price&gt;
         &lt;/simplepersonprofile &gt;
This is more than a simple aesthetic problem.  For one, you have introduced
the overhead of encoding and decoding what could turn out to be a large
document.  Secondly, the receiver of this document, because the content is
no longer XML, must perform an additional parse operation.  Also, because
the profile is no longer an XML document, it cannot be processed by common
XML processing tools such as XSLT.  And I'm sure I've overlooked other

3. How do I go about changing Mr Wakeman's residence?  The answer of course
is that I cannot because I must replace the whole attribute value.

May  I  suggest that if the SPML is to use XML Schema then we consider what
it  would  take to offer full support for it and for other XML-based schema
languages.  In my view, this is not something that can just be bolted on as
an afterthought.

|         |           "Elron, Rami"    |
|         |           <rami_elron@bmc.c|
|         |           om>              |
|         |                            |
|         |           07/24/2003 08:25 |
|         |           AM               |
  |       To:       Gearard Woods/Irvine/IBM@IBMUS
  |       cc:       provision@lists.oasis-open.org, "Elron, Rami"
<rami_elron@bmc.com>, "Cohen, Doron" <Doron_Cohen@bmc.com>     |
  |       Subject:  RE: [provision] Fw: SPML Roadmap


The attached document includes some examples that elaborate on my previous

Best regards,



Rami Elron
Senior System Architect
Security Business Unit
BMC Software Ltd.

Tel: 972 3 766 2434
Fax: 972 3 645 1100
Mobile: 972 64 286 434
email: rami_elron@bmc.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Gearard Woods [mailto:gewoods@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 2:00 AM
To: Jeff Bohren
Cc: provision@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [provision] Fw: SPML Roadmap

Not to be picky, but which venues would those be?  I can't imagine that
what you are proposing emerged from any previous discussion as an ideal
solution, particularly in a world where we are no longer constrained by an
attribute/value model.  I also don't understand why you are assuming that
this is only relevant to accounts.  I'm suggesting this scenario because of
the schema used at the interop where a very simple set of user information
was provisioned.  Based on that, I thought it would be instructive if a
more real-world example was examined and so I suggested the Liberty user

Let's talk about containment.  LDAP/DSMLv2/SPML support containment, or the
illusion of containment, through the use of a hierarchical naming system.
Without using such a hierarchical naming system how do I express the kind
of containment that you are demanding?  Let's paraphrase your solution in

      <identifier type="urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:1:0#LibertyUniqueID">
        <<< ???? What goes here???? >>>
        <attribute name="objectclass">
        <attribute name="InformalName">
      <identifier type="urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:1:0#LibertyUniqueID">
        <<< ???? What goes here???? >>>
        <attribute name="objectclass">
        <attribute name="CN">
            <value>John Smith</value>
      <identifier type="urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:1:0#LibertyUniqueID">
        <<< ???? What goes here???? >>>
        <attribute name="objectclass">
        <attribute name="PersonalTitle">
        <attribute name="nameScheme">

There are all kinds of other issues with this including the fact that there
can be any number of levels in this hierarchy, each one requiring an add,
but importantly:
1. The relationships here are those that you outlined:  the IDPPType
instance has a common name which in turn has an analyzed name.  What
identifiers do I use to indicate containment?  Am I forced to use DNs or
some other hierarchical naming system?
2. If the identifiers are not used to express containment, how do I
associate them?
3. How do I describe or impose the constraint that there may only be 10
informal names for example?
4. How do I convert back and forth between the instances described in XML
Schema and those described in SPML schema?  It seems that now there is a
requirement that I maintain state and mapping information for each profile
and any constituent objects.  I'm effectively forced to maintain two data
models and map between them outside the service that is using the actual
5. You have indicated that, for the schema mapping, there is an implicit
set of rules.  Contained types that are primitives, such as a string,
become SPML attribute types, while those that have a cardinality are
contained.  What about XML Schema attribute definitions such as nameScheme?
How do convert those and how do I distinguish between attributes and
elements in an SPML add request, for example, when doing conversions
to/from the real profile?  Where did these schema mapping rules come from
and is there, or will there be, a normative set?

Not to mention that now I have to send something resembling what I just
outlined, and suffer through all kinds of compromises and conversions, to
        <CN>John Smith</CN>
        <AnalyzedName nameScheme="urn:x:y:z:1.0">

Your dismissive tone here is frustrating not only because you seem to be
avoiding getting into any real depth on this issue and appear to be
minimizing what is a very real problem, but also because  you are implying
that this concern is due to ignorance of some previous discussions in some
other venue, that incidentally cannot be mentioned.  In actual fact an
attribute/value model is an extreme compromise.  So, rather than dismissing
the question, if you could provide actual XML, or update what I've
presented here, or indeed provide a real example of one of the other
"several ways to do the same thing" and then allow open and full discussion
of the issues and compromises then I think we could start making progress,
one way or the other.

By the way, I'd still like to know if Rami's suggestion is true.  Is the
PSTC going to allow XML Schema to be referenced?  If this is true then the
data and operation model will not hold and it seems to me that  the
approach so far will require significant rework.

|         |           "Jeff Bohren"    |
|         |           <jbohren@opennetw|
|         |           ork.com>         |
|         |                            |
|         |           07/23/2003 02:01 |
|         |           PM               |


  |       To:       <provision@lists.oasis-open.org>
  |       cc:
  |       Subject:  RE: [provision] Fw: SPML Roadmap



As Rami notes there are several ways to solve the issue representing of
complex data types represented in a hierarchical attribute/multi-values
data model. These issues have been so thoroughly discussed in other
venues that I won't repeated them here.

SPML is not limited to managing accounts. It can also be used to manage
other types of objects such as groups, organizations, etc. It can also
be used to manage objects that are contained by other objects, which is
one way to represent complex data types.

One approach that would work for the Liberty Personal Identity Profile
would be to represent the core profile in one object and then have
contained objects for each of the complex data types. For instance there
would be an InformalName attribute on the profile object but the list of
CommonName objects would be represented as contained instances of a
common name object. Likewise the common name object would have a CN
attribute but the list of AnnalyzedName objects would represented as
contained instances of analyzed named objects.

You could then create, modify, or delete all of the relavent objects in
a single SPML Batch Request.

Again there are several ways to do the same thing.

Jeff Bohren
Product Architect
OpenNetwork Technologies, Inc

-----Original Message-----
From: Gearard Woods [mailto:gewoods@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 4:10 PM
To: provision@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [provision] Fw: SPML Roadmap

----- Forwarded by Gearard Woods/Irvine/IBM on 07/23/2003 01:10 PM -----
|         |           Gearard Woods    |
|         |                            |
|         |           07/23/2003 10:48 |
|         |           AM               |

  |       To:      "Elron, Rami" <rami_elron@bmc.com>
  |       cc:      provision@lists.oasis-open.org, "Elron, Rami"
<rami_elron@bmc.com>                                            |
  |       From:    Gearard Woods/Irvine/IBM@IBMUS
  |       Subject: RE: SPML Roadmap (Document link: Gearard Woods)


Thanks for the document.  I'm afraid that it doesn't address my concerns
though and I think you might be underestimating the coupling between the
schema and the data model.  If you are suggesting that an XML Schema
document could be referenced by an SPML schema, then the SPML is obliged
to allow instances of structures defined in that schema to be
transported. Let's remain with the Liberty user profile and get very
specific about what the schema would look like and how the schema
impacts the data model.  To extend your example, I imagine that you are
suggesting that the Liberty schema be referenced like this:

    <objectClassDefinition name="LibertyPersonalProfile">
       <objectClassDefinitionReference name="Complex">


This raises a number of questions:
1. How is the element inside the schema document identified?  I'm
interested only in the IDPP element.  I disagree with the suggestion
that specific names be reserved by the way, this seems cumbersome and
esentially turns the name into something else. 2. Imagining that I do
identify the portion of the schema that I'm interested in, how do I use
it?  In your document you say that "While the definition may seem to
imply reliance on a simple attribute/value model, it can actually
leverage this very model to take advantage of much more complex data
structures." If this is true, what would the add request look like based
on the external schema?  What about a modify request? These both require
an attribute/value model so I'm having some difficulty understanding how
the XML Schema would relate to the actual request data. If you could
show me specifically what the request XML would look like in both cases
I'd be obliged. 3. If the SPML really can actually consume XML Schema,
why define a separate, SPML-specific, schema language? Gerry

|         |           "Elron, Rami"    |
|         |           <rami_elron@bmc.c|
|         |           om>              |
|         |                            |
|         |           07/23/2003 08:51 |
|         |           AM               |

  |       To:       Gearard Woods/Irvine/IBM@IBMUS,
  |       cc:       "Elron, Rami" <rami_elron@bmc.com>
  |       Subject:  RE: SPML Roadmap


Hi Gerry,

The attached document addresses and hopefully answers your concerns. If
you have any further questions or remarks regarding this document or the
roadmap document, please do not hesitate to call me.

Best regards,




Rami Elron
Senior System Architect
Security Business Unit
BMC Software Ltd.

Tel: 972 3 766 2434
Fax: 972 3 645 1100
Mobile: 972 64 286 434
email: rami_elron@bmc.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Gearard Woods [mailto:gewoods@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 12:22 AM
To: rami_elron@bmc.com; provision@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: SPML Roadmap

Further to the call yesterday, I wanted to clarify one of the major
problems that I have with the SPML as it stands and to get your feedback
on how the problem might be solved either with today's approach or with
features that are on the roadmap.  Fundamentally, I believe that the
schema language introduced by the current SPML is too restrictive and
reflects a data model that will not be able to satisfy my immediate
needs to transport complex XML data.  In fact, I have difficulty seeing
how a roadmap built on this schema language can be made to fit my
requirements in the long run. As an example, could you explain to me how
I might use the SPML in the simple scenario where I have a service (a
Web Service) that I wish to provision which requires the user
information to be provided using the Liberty Alliance user profile
(http://www.projectliberty.org/specs/lib-svc-id-pp.xsd)?  This is not an
outlandish scenario by any means, and you could substitute other user
representations such the ebXML UserType for example.  Obviously, since
the SPML cannot support XML Schema, I have to think that publishing the
schema for such a service might be problematic.  It also seems
difficult, given the attribute/value data model in the current SPML, to
communicate an instance of one of these structures.  If you can reassure
me that this is in fact quite seamless and simple in the current SPML,
or your roadmap answers this concern, I would be very grateful.


#### Response to SPML Roadmap concerns.doc has been removed from this
note on July 23, 2003 by Gearard Woods

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#### Response to SPML Roadmap concerns - more.doc has been removed from
this note on July 24, 2003 by Gearard Woods

Response to SPML roadmap concerns - part 3.doc

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