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Subject: Agenda for 8/18/2003 PSTC Committee Con-call

Dial-in Number: 888-742-8686
Conference ID: 7104622
Date: 8/18/2003
Time 10 AM CT

Proposed Agenda
1 - 10:05 Order and role-call

2 - 10:07 Accept meeting minutes from 07/21/2003  
Minutes available at [1]

3 - Post Open Review - Final 1.0 Changes
Jeff had proposed a solution to the DSMLV2 name space/referencing
problem in which we would put a modified version of the DSMLv2 XSD file
on the PSTC web site and refer to that XSD instead on the one on the

Discuss, resolve and agree upon solution.
4 - 10:10 Specification Ratification Process/Update
Here is the process moving forward to OASIS Open Standard:

1. The TC chair submits "the package" to OASIS Admin by the 15th of next
2. Between the 15th and end of month check it and work with us to clean
up the
   submission as necessary.
3. By the 1st of the next month OASIS announce a two week
   period" to the membership. (Not a review; did that already)
4. By the 15th OASIS sends out a Call For Vote to the voting reps of the

   OASIS member organizations.
5. Voting ends at the end of October and OASIS announces the results 
   within seven days
6. Done?

The package consists of:

1.  Spec and schema files
2.  Summary of the spec 
3.  Certification of its use in line with OASIS IPR
4.  Issues from open review
5.  Pointers to comments archive
6.  Certification of know IPR from Chair

5 - FAQ
PSTC is required to pull together an FAQ section.  There are some stock
questions.  We need a volunteer to champion this effort.

6 - XML 2003 Interoperability
Some talk about holding a repeat interop event at XML 2003 December 7-12
in Pennsylvania.  Does the committee wish to pursue this opportunity?

8 - Analyst Update Required - Status
At the 7/21 meeting the committee decided to draft a note to Burton
explaining issues raised at Catalyst.  Does the committee still wish to
pursue this, if so status and next steps.

9 - The Issues List, 2.0 & Support for Complex Objects
With 1.0 now truly at the "done" phase and as we focus on 2.0, how do we
best move forward to address IBM's concerns on complex XML object
support in SPML.  Review the goals on 2.0 and discuss the road forward.
9 - 11:00 Motion to Adjourn
To reconvene 9/01/2003.


Darran Rolls                      http://www.waveset.com
Waveset Technologies Inc          drolls@waveset.com 
(512) 657 8360                     

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