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Subject: RE: [provision] Iterator ID.

It does not seem that a search response should always return an
iterator. If the search response contains the complete result set, an
iterator is just extra baggage.

There is no reason that the iterator ID has to be the same for every
fetch. There is no harm in it, but there is no advantage either. I would
put it as:

"The iterator ID returned from each subsequent call to iterateRequest
MAY be the same as the ID included in the original search response."

Jeff Bohren
Product Architect
OpenNetwork Technologies, Inc
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-----Original Message-----
From: Gary P Cole [mailto:Gary.P.Cole@Sun.COM] 
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 7:22 PM
Subject: [provision] Iterator ID.

A searchResponse may contain a <pso> but always contains an <iterator>. 

An <iterator> has an "ID" attribute and may have "count" and 
"totalCount" attributes.
- "count" represents the number of objects in the result set that the 
<iterator> represents.
- "totalCount" represents the number of objects that matched the <base> 
and <select> elements of the <query> in the <searchRequest>.

A requestor specifies the <iterator> that was output of a 'search' 
operation as input to an 'iterate' operation.  In response to an 
<iterateRequest>, a provider returns another <searchResponse> that 
contains the next <pso> and an <iterator>.

Can the iterator ID change as the requestor iterates a result set?
For example, assume that the original <searchResponse> contains
    <iterator ID="003" count="27" totalCount="27"/>
and the requestor specifies this element in an <iterateRequest>.
Can the provider now return a <searchResponse> that contains
    <iterator ID="004" count="27" totalCount="27"/>?

Darran thinks that the ID must remain constant during iteration (i.e., 
any two iterators that represent the same result set should have the 
same ID), but I didn't come across anything that said so.

Opinions? Recollections?


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