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Subject: spec issues.

I've collected all the red Editor's notes from the current draft of the 
spec.  I've eliminated most duplicates--except where a duplicate issue 
represents a fair amount of work (e.g., a new example). A few of these 
are obviously TO-DOs for me, but most are real issues.

Some of these issues may already have been answered in discussion on the 
list (but I missed it or those resolutions haven't made it into the 
draft).  A few depend on the Reference Capability. The vast majority are 
wide open: take a shot at any you like.
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green0\blue0;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs20 1.1. Rami will send more on "Purpose of SPML" itself.\par
\pard\sb80\cf1\f1 1.3. Rami will provide a draft of \ldblquote Changes from SPML 1.0\rdblquote .\par
\pard\sb80\sa80 2.1. Gerry will send UML diagram(s) to replace ERD.\par
\pard\sb80\sa80\tx360 2.1.3. Rami will draft content that further defines the term "capability". \line\tab    Same intent as extended operations in SPML1.0.\par
\pard\sb80\sa80\tx916\tx1832\tx2748\tx3664\tx4580\tx5496\tx6412\tx7328\tx8244\tx9160\tx10076\tx10992\tx11908\tx12824\tx13740\tx14656 3.1.1. This implies that a multi-threaded provider must queue requests (by requestor). \line          Can we simply require requestID in RequestType?\par
         Jeff Larson said 'no'.  Imposes burden on requestor \line           that is unnecessary for simple requestor.\b0\par
\pard\sb80\sa80\b 3.3. Use the correct terms for the long form and short-form of XPATH expressions.\par
3.3.1A. What is the 'namespaceURI' value for an XPath expression?\par
3.3.1B. What is the 'namespaceURI' value for a SPML1.0 (DSMLv2) attribute expression?\par (See #51 in draft_13_xsd_issues.txt.)\par
\pard\cf0\f0 (See #40 in draft_13_xsd_issues.txt.)\par
\pard\sb80\sa80\cf1\f1 What does an instance of SelectionType <component> contain in the DSML Schema binding?\line               For \lquote modify\rquote , <data> contains a DSML attributeModifier elements.\par
\cf1 TO-DO: Discuss ErrorCode in Protocol general features.\par
\pard\sb80\sa80 TO-DO: Since a modifyRequest can change the PSO-ID, \line               we should probably mention this, and show an example of \line               a modificationResponse returning the new PSO-ID.\par
\pard\b0\f0\par TO-DO: Show examples of adding and replacing a reference.\line\tab   Should we show examples of modifying references where the cardinality assumptions differ?\line\tab   Can one specify cardinality for a specific type of reference?\par
\tab\b  ** PENDING Reference Capability meta-data issues. **\par
\par (See #55 in draft_13_xsd_issues.txt.)\par
\par \f1 TO-DO: Discuss StatusCode in Protocol general features.\par
\pard\sb80\sa80 \f1 Do we need to give a reason why cancel must be synchronous?\par Do we need to give a reason why status must be synchronous?\par TO-DO: Link to discussion of RequestID.\par TO-DO: Document as a general feature that we punt on logical unit of work--no UNDO.\par A requestor can query for Person instances based on \ldblquote owner\rdblquote  \line               only if the provider defines \ldblquote owner\rdblquote  as an element or attribute of Person \line               in the schema for the target.  In such a case, what would the value of \ldblquote owner\rdblquote  look like? \line               Would \ldblquote owner=\rquote joebob\rquote  work?\par (Same as above:  ** PENDING Reference Capability meta-data issues. **)\par (Same as above.)  \par
\pard\f0 3.4.5.  Which password operations should be batchable?\par
\par (See #62 in draft_13_xsd_issues.txt.)\par
\b 3.4.6. Reference Capability issues.  ** PENDING Reference Capability meta-data issues. **\par
\par Neither search nor iterate is batchable (for reasons of scale).\line             (Combine with 3.4.5: Which operations of every capability are batchable?)\par
\par (Same as above.)\par
\par \f1 Do we need to give a reason why iterate must be synchronous? \par
\par A provider that changes the ID in an iterator each time can detect this.\par
\pard\sb80\sa80 May 'suspend' return an error when the object is already suspended? I think not.\par May 'resume' return an error when the object is already resumed? I think not.\b0\par
5. Do we need to update "Security and privacy considerations"?\par
Appendix I (throughout): Document references need validation and update.\par
Appendix K: Do we need new OASIS notices?  From where?\par
Appendix L: Glossary.  Definitions need review and update.\par
Appendix M: Requirements. TO-DO: Replace this section with SPML 2.0 requirements.\par

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