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Subject: Groups - Bi-weekly PSTC meeting modified

Bi-weekly PSTC meeting has been modified by Daniel Perry

Date:  Monday, 25 April 2011
Time:  02:00pm - 03:00pm ET

Event Description:
This is for the biweekly PSTC meeting. This will occur every other Monday at 2pm EST. We will be using the following dial-in (same as on past calls): +1 (866) 434-5269 x 9406791


Chairs: Richard Sand, Gary Cole 
Recording Secretary: Dan Perry 

Tom Zeller (Internet2)
Gary Cole (Oracle)
Marco Fanti (Oracle)
Hal Lockhart (Oracle)
Kent Spaulding (Oracle)
Darran Rolls (SailPoint)
Daniel Perry (Skyworth TTG)
Richard Sand (Skyworth TTG)
Karsten Huneycutt (UNC Chapel Hill)

1) Roll Call 
2) Approval of 4/11 Minutes
3) Discuss SCIM / REST
4) AOB 

1) Roll Call 
- Dan took roll. 
- Quorum was achieved (6 of 8 voting members attended) 
- Voting status changes: None

2) Approval of Apr 11th Meeting Minutes 
- Gary Cole moves to approve the 4/11 minutes 
- No objections. 

3) Discuss SCIM / REST
Richard Sand: Wasn't surprised to see the announcement of SCIM.  
- We knew already that google's prov api is rest based, not xml based.
- We took vote last year about xml vs REST based interface.   
- At the time we choose to stick to XML.

Hal Lockhart: Points out that saml 2.0 has a rest query interface

Richard Sand: States that discussion should focus on moving verbs, pso id, etc to the http url
- Could see a search being done in a purely restful manner, i.e. no XML

Gary Cole: The restful approach inverts a lot of what spml currently does.   
- Abstracting things as xml request / response is a different way to approach, but feels that the overall resulting capabilities are very similar.
- Feels that the best way to approach this to look at the use cases and see what's needed.

Hal Lockhart: The idea of spml was to hide the implementation and expose abstractions.
- Asks if REST will rest provide that same abstraction?

Gary Cole: That's right, it's kind of like evolving an API, but it certainly can be done in rest

Darran Rolls: Agrees, you can still do abstraction in rest to hide the implementation.

Darran Rolls: Mentions that it's interesting to see that google and salesforce are going in the scim direction.

Richard Sand: One thing that's not technical that we all struggle with is spml adaption.
- Certainly can't ignore that two large saas vendors are going in the scim direction.

Kent Spaulding: as Gary said, the model is inverted.  What needs to be done is to define a standard schema to make it work across vendors.   
- Suggests inviting google / salesforce to see what they are thinking in terms of standard schema.

Richard Sand: It would be interesting to see what google / salesforce tought of spml?   
- Did they look at it and dismiss it?  If so, why?

Darran Rolls: mentions that in the past most people wanted a schema, and spml has not delivered such a thing.   
- SPML is currently a very complicated thing.

Richard Sand: scim doesn't seem to be developed through a standards model.

Darran Rolls: It's currently just a google group at the moment.

Hal Lockhart: Most of the standardization seems to be happening at ietf, at least as far as other identity in the cloud efforts go.

Richard Sand: Suggests trying to get a common meeting with the scim group to get their thoughts on spml.

Darran Rolls: Offers to meet with the scim people and see if such a meeting can be setup.  

Darran Rolls: Asks where the tc sits with the discussion of standardized schema?

Richard Sand: We discussed this when the committee picked back up last year.   -- We talked about having multiple standard schema, rather then trying to come up with one size fits all schema.   
- No more progress since that initial discussion.

Hal Lockhart: If that's the case where multiple schemas are needed, then someone should talk to the scim and see what their thoughts on that are.

Richard Sand: Agrees, we should ask them (scim) what their thoughts on a standard schema are.

Gary Cole: Google and salesforce are vendors and don't have to get agreement from commitee.   
- As for the one size fits all, best approach is an opt-in.   
- Define object classes and attributes, and each implement can choose to include those, or do the work in another way if needed.

Hal Lockhart: Asks if inetorgperson is enough for a standard schema

Gary Cole: No, it doesn't cover app specific aspects.

Dan Perry: Brings up the topic of data normalization

Gary Cole: Do we think we're facing a change... is the technology used to do the most important?

Hal Lockart: It's pretty clear that the provisoning tech needs to be broadly adopted to work.

Richard Sand: There is room and need for both operations.  what is going on in the industry?  

Gary Cole: What about doing a thought-exercise of creating a REST-based spec with a base, extensible schema?
- Does it need to be xml?

Hal Lockhart: Oasis does not need a TC to be all xml based

4) AOB
No additional business.

Gary Cole moves to ajourn.
- No Objections.

This event is one in a list of recurring events.
Other event dates in this series:

Monday, 31 January 2011, 02:00pm to 03:00pm ET
Monday, 14 February 2011, 02:00pm to 03:00pm ET
Monday, 28 February 2011, 02:00pm to 03:00pm ET
Monday, 14 March 2011, 02:00pm to 03:00pm ET
Monday, 28 March 2011, 02:00pm to 03:00pm ET
Monday, 11 April 2011, 02:00pm to 03:00pm ET
Monday, 09 May 2011, 02:00pm to 03:00pm ET
Monday, 23 May 2011, 02:00pm to 03:00pm ET
Monday, 06 June 2011, 02:00pm to 03:00pm ET
Monday, 20 June 2011, 02:00pm to 03:00pm ET

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PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN
X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar
SUMMARY:Bi-weekly PSTC meeting
DESCRIPTION:This is for the biweekly PSTC meeting. This will occur every other
  Monday at 2pm EST. We will be using the following dial-in (same as on
  past calls): +1 (866) 434-5269 x 9406791\n\nGroup: OASIS Provisioning
  Services TC\nCreator: Richard Sand

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