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regrep-cc-review message

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Subject: Re: [regrep-cc-review] What Will RepositoryItem Be? (Was: Re:[regrep-cc-review]Kickoff!)

So - while its good to use simple RIM and slots for the basics - we need
to make this more complete and extensible by having the right design to 
accommodate the realworld uses that end users need.   

I can clarify here please: the "basics" are those items defined in
Section 7 of the CCTS spec. As long as we have covered Section 7 of the
CCTS spec using the existing RIM and slots, we have accomplished our

Again: Our mission is to perform a verification of Section 7 of the CCTS
spec. In doing so, we should ensure that our approach takes into account
things that are going to come down the pike, such as Business Processes.
As long as we do that, we're golden for our mission.


David RR Webber - XML ebusiness wrote:
> Diego,
> Again this is the crux of the discussion.
> The CRI identified the CC/BIE as the top of the tree,
> and under those you link a hierarchy.  That's why I see
> the heirarchy approach as the right one.
> Take forinstance if the CC is a codelist - there is no way of
> managing or implementing that otherwise - right now
> all the CC can tell you is 'oh - its a codelist'.   There's
> way more semantics even at that top level that you
> could for see capturing in the model about a codelist.
> So - while its good to use simple RIM and slots for
> the basics - we need to make this more complete
> and extensible by having the right design to
> accommodate the realworld uses that end users
> need.   Otherwise we have only a theoretical solution,
> not a practical solution.
> Thanks, DW.
> ===============================================
> Message text written by Diego Ballvé
> >* I mean, when doing business you cannot use a CoreComponent (or
> BIE, to be according to specs) but an implementation of it, like
> a XML fragment defined by a XML Schema/DTD or an Object (say Java
> or C++). I'm not so familiar with EDI but it might follow the same
> idea. Again, storing the CC/BIE representation is different than
> storing the CC/BIE (idea, concept) and, IMO, should be kept apart.
> If they are all to be stored in the registry, they can be stored
> as different objects. The different 'implementations' Extrinsic
> Objects would be related to to conceptual BIE.
> <
> You may leave a Technical Committee at any time by visiting http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/regrep-cc-review/members/leave_workgroup.php
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