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Subject: Re: [regrep-comment] Public Comment: Bundled rim.xsd not latest copy

comment-form@oasis-open.org wrote:

>Comment from: rmartell@galdosinc.com
>[MINOR] Bundled rim.xsd not latest copy from CVS 
>The rim.xsd schema included in the review package is rev 1.19 (2005-01-31). However, the current revision in the CVS repository (hosted at SourceForge) is rev 1.20 (2005/02/03). 
>Assuming this discrepancy is accidental, we suggest that the latest revision should be the baseline for any subsequent changes:
Hi Richard,

Thank you for pointing out this issue.

You are correct that the rim.xsd version packaged within 
regrep-3.0-cd-01.zip inadvertently included a version of the file that 
was one version behind the one that was meant to be included. This was a 
packaging error. The correct version is indeed in CVS at:


The difference between the two version is fairly minor:

1. There are changes to comments within rim.xsd between the two versions 
to make the schema clearer in a couple of places.
These comment changes have no impact on implementations or 
interoperablity between implementations.

2. The cardinality of the <any> attribute in QueryExpressionType was 
changed from minOccurs="1" to minOccurs="0"
This is illustrated by the diff below:

<       <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="1" 
maxOccurs="1" />
 >       <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" 
maxOccurs="1" />

We will fix this minor packaging error in the next version of [ebRIM] 3.0.

Thank you for helping us improve our specifications.


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