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Subject: RE: RAWS Meeting notes: 8/13/2001

Here is the updated proposal
-----Original Message-----
From: Farrukh Najmi [mailto:Farrukh.Najmi@Sun.COM]
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 6:34 PM
To: regrep-raws@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RAWS Meeting notes: 8/13/2001

Attendess: Suresh, Nikola, Farrukh
Regrets: Joel Munter
Absent: John, Dan, Chaemee


-Agreed to request Lisa for broadening the scope and charter of RAWS team to include all work items related to web services. Rationale is that this provides a focused team within TC on web srevice support. If any one in team who was not present has an objection please send email to team.

-Agreed to defer decision to make proposal to TC until a revised writeup is agreed upon. Suresh to provide revised writeup to be to team alias by COB 8/14. Team will make decision by COB 8/15 on whether to make initial proposal to TC.

-Agreed that we need to leave door open to alternatives to WSDL (e.g. CPP/BP). Treat WSDL as one way of describing our interface

-Agreed that ebXML TRP interface should be described in terms of CPP/BP

-Agreed that we need to user neutral terminology (neither WSDL nor CPP/BP) for ebRS and provide mapping to WSDL and CPP/BP terminology in appendix.

-Agreed to use URN instead of URL for namespace URIs. Nikola to make recommendations.

Action Items
Farrukh: Send latest writeup to Suresh for making agreed upon changes and for merging with Suresh's document (writeup and latest files are attached to this email Suresh)

Suresh: Create revised writeup by COB 8/14 and mail to team alias

Nikola: Make a recommendation on URI for namespaces in XSD and WSDL. This is not going to gate making initial proposal to TC

Farrukh: Figure out how to replace ID/IDREF with Key/KeyRef in registry.xsd

Farrukh: Make fixes to Registry.xsd in filter query and other areas.



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