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Subject: Re: Registration of Web Services (ROWS): submission to registry TC


I am not sure I understand your question regarding interoperability.

Maybe there is confusion due to the similarity in name with an earlier
proposal called
"Registry As Web Service (RAWS)" which was about defining a web service
interface to the registry.

This new "Registration of Web Services (ROWS)" proposal allows for the
submission of one or more arbitrary Service
objects that provide information in a Service specific manner on how to
utilize that Service.

The Service class itself is not enough to describe how to use the
service. It needs to have at least 1 and maybe many ServiceBindings.
Each ServiceBinding describes a specific way to use a Service. Each
ServiceBinding needs
at least 1 and maybe many SpecificationLinks that link the ServiceBinding to
one or more RegistryObjects that are
technical specifications describing the binding/service. For example the
SpecificationLink may reference an ExtrinsicObject
for a WSDL document in the repository. Alternatively it could reference
an ExternalObject that references the WSDL document using a URL.

The only interoperability issue I can see is how clients will utilize the
technical specifications to
actually use the service. This is fairly open ended because the types of
technical specs are open ended.
Lets consider a common example where the spec is WSDL. In this case the client
could download
the WSDL spec and use a third party tool to invoke that web service using its
WSDL description.
For the Java Platform it might mean using a JAXRPC implementation to access
the service over SOAP/HTTP.

Another area where we are considering using the ROWS capability is in the
registry specs itself. The content-based query
capability being led by Matt MacKenzie is planning to have client publish a
ROWS based web service that knows how
to automatically index an arbitrary type of content. The ROWS proposal allows
the spec to define an architected way for clients
to submit services that conform to the ebXML Registry specs for content-based
queries in the future.

Please post followup if I misunderstood your question or if you have any other


Martin Bryan wrote:

> > The RAWS sub-team has reviewed and finalized the "Registration of Web
> > Services (ROWS)" proposal. The proposal provides for first class
> > representation of a web service as a Service as well as its bindings as
> > a ServiceBinding and therefor allows
> > registration and discovery of web services within ebXML Registry.
> Would there be one ServiceBinding that all registeries would have to
> support, or can they each support just their own preferred ServiceBinding?
> (If there is no common point, how can we guarantee interworking or
> cross-registry searching?)
> Martin Bryan
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org:Sun Microsystems;Java Software
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fn:Farrukh Najmi

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