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Subject: [regrep] V2 Spec Issues w/ WSDL Files

V2 Spec ISSUE 1) I am doing some validation of the V2 spec material and
tested the SOAPBinding WSDL file with a good validator.  Here is the error
that I received.

<WsdlResults xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
         1         2         3         4         5         6    
	<StandardOutput>Microsoft (R) Web Services Description 
		Language Utility [Microsoft (R) .NET Framework, 
		Version 1.0.3612.0] Copyright (C) Microsoft 
		Corporation 1998-2001. All rights reserved. 
		If you would like more help, please type "wsdl /?".
	<ErrorOutput>Error: There was an error processing 
		- The document was understood, but it could 
		  not be processed.
		- The WSDL document contains links that could 
		  not be resolved.
		- There is an error in XML document (21, 26).
		- Namespace prefix 'xsd' is not defined.
	<ErrorHints>I was unable to diagnose why this WSDL 
		didn't work. You may want to verify that you 
		are using the 2001 XSD Schema (although this 
		isn't required by the WSDL spec, it is the 
		only schema version supported by many SOAP 

The problem is that "xsd:" is referenced within the registry.wsdl but the
xsd namespace is never properly declared within the header of either file.

e.g., the following which occurs several times with Registry.wsdl fails:
	<part name="content" type="xsd:any"/>
The fix is to declare the xsd namespace within the header.


V2 Spec Issue 2) Even though some of this is a comment, we should remove the
following also.

<!--xmlns:xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/

/cvsroot/ebxmlrr/ebxmlrr-spec/misc/services/RegistrySOAPBinding.wsdl,v 1.14
2001/12/02 15:59:11 farrukh_najmi Exp $	
This is the the normative concrete SOAP/HTTP binding for the OASIS ebXML
Registry services.</documentation>

Joel Munter
Distributed Systems, Intel Labs
(480) 552-3076
(602) 790-0924 (cell)

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