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Subject: rim.xsd has duplicate definition of element RegistryObject

As Mike Kass and were working through the XSLT style sheet we found one 
more bug in rim.xsd.

There are two definitions for RegistryObject element (a global and a 
local one within RegistryObjectListType). The result is an ambiguity 
which causes instance documents to fail validation. The fix is fairly 
simple and shown below in universal diff format. Entire updated rim.xsd 
is also attached.

@@ -661,7 +662,7 @@

  	<complexType name = "RegistryObjectListType">
-      <element name="RegistryObject" type="tns:RegistryObjectType" 
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+      <element ref="tns:RegistryObject" minOccurs="0" 
        <element ref="tns:ObjectRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Unless we fix this, we cannot have valid requests and responses from the 
registry. Thus this falls in the must fix category.

Any objections to making this fix before publishing the final 2.5 schema?


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>

<!--$Revision: 1.25 $-->
<schema xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
        targetNamespace = "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:rim:xsd:2.5"
        xmlns:tns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:rim:xsd:2.5"
		<documentation xml:lang = "en">The schema for OASIS ebXML Registry Information Model</documentation>
        <import namespace="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/xmldsig-core-schema.xsd" />

  	<!--Begin information model mapping from ebRIM.-->
	<!--Define Data Types -->
	<simpleType name = "String4">
		<restriction base = "string">
			<maxLength value = "4" />
	<simpleType name = "String8">
		<restriction base = "string">
			<maxLength value = "8" />

	<simpleType name = "String16">
		<restriction base = "string">
			<maxLength value = "16" />

	<simpleType name = "String32">
		<restriction base = "string">
			<maxLength value = "32" />

	<simpleType name = "ShortName">
		<restriction base = "string">
			<maxLength value = "64" />

	<simpleType name = "LongName">
		<restriction base = "string">
			<maxLength value = "128" />

	<simpleType name = "FreeFormText">
		<restriction base = "string">
			<maxLength value = "256" />

        <complexType name="SignatureListType">
                <element ref="dsig:Signature" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
        <element name="SignatureList" type="tns:SignatureListType" />
	<complexType name = "AssociationType1">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
Association is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
It extends RegistryObject.

An Association specifies references to two previously submitted
registry entrys.

The sourceObject is id of the sourceObject in association
The targetObject is id of the targetObject in association
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryObjectType">
				<attribute name = "associationType" use = "required" type = "anyURI"/>
				<attribute name = "sourceObject" use = "required" type = "anyURI"/>
				<attribute name = "targetObject" use = "required" type = "anyURI"/>
				<attribute name = "isConfirmedBySourceOwner" use = "optional" type = "boolean"/>
				<attribute name = "isConfirmedByTargetOwner" use = "optional" type = "boolean"/>
	<element name = "Association" type = "tns:AssociationType1"/>

	<complexType name = "AuditableEventType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
An Event that forms an audit trail in ebXML Registry.
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryObjectType">
					<!--List of all objects that have been effected by this event-->
					<element name="affectedObject" type="tns:ObjectRefListType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>

				<!--Was an enumeration in V2. Now is extensible-->
				<attribute name = "eventType" use = "required" type = "tns:LongName"/>

				<attribute name = "timestamp" use = "required" type = "dateTime"/>
				<attribute name = "user" use = "required" type = "anyURI"/>

				<attribute name = "requestId" use = "required" type = "anyURI"/>

	<element name = "AuditableEvent" type = "tns:AuditableEventType"/>

	<complexType name = "ClassificationType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
Classification is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
It extends RegistryObject.

A Classification specifies references to two registry entrys.

The classifiedObject is id of the Object being classified.
The classificationNode is id of the ClassificationNode classying the object
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryObjectType">
				<attribute name = "classificationScheme" use = "optional" type = "anyURI"/>
				<attribute name = "classifiedObject" use = "required" type = "anyURI"/>
				<attribute name = "classificationNode" use = "optional" type = "anyURI"/>
				<attribute name = "nodeRepresentation" use = "optional" type = "tns:LongName"/>
	<element name = "Classification" type = "tns:ClassificationType"/>

	<complexType name = "ClassificationNodeType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
ClassificationNode is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
It extends RegistryObject.

ClassificationNode is used to submit a Classification tree to the Registry.

The parent attribute is the id to the parent node. code is an optional code value for a ClassificationNode
often defined by an external taxonomy (e.g. NAICS)
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryObjectType">

					<element ref="tns:ClassificationNode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
				<attribute name = "parent" use="optional" type = "anyURI"/>
        <!--Why is this optional?? Needs to be discussed as an issue and fixed-->
				<attribute name = "code" use="optional" type = "tns:LongName"/>
				<attribute name = "path" use = "optional" type = "string"/>
	<element name = "ClassificationNode" type = "tns:ClassificationNodeType"/>

	<complexType name = "ClassificationSchemeType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
ClassificationScheme is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
It extends RegistryEntry.
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryEntryType">
					<element ref = "tns:ClassificationNode" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
				<attribute name = "isInternal" use = "required" type = "boolean"/>
				<attribute name = "nodeType" use = "required">
						<restriction base = "NCName">
							<enumeration value = "UniqueCode"/>
							<enumeration value = "EmbeddedPath"/>
							<enumeration value = "NonUniqueCode"/>
	<element name = "ClassificationScheme" type = "tns:ClassificationSchemeType"/>

	<complexType name = "ExternalIdentifierType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
ExternalIdentifier is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
It extends RegistryObject.
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryObjectType">
				<attribute name = "registryObject" use = "optional" type = "anyURI"/>
				<attribute name = "identificationScheme" use = "required" type = "anyURI"/>
				<attribute name = "value" use = "required" type = "tns:LongName"/>
	<element name = "ExternalIdentifier" type = "tns:ExternalIdentifierType"/>

	<complexType name = "ExternalLinkType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
ExternalLink is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
It extends RegistryObject.
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryObjectType">
				<attribute name = "externalURI" use="required" type = "anyURI"/>
	<element name = "ExternalLink" type = "tns:ExternalLinkType"/>

	<complexType name = "ExtrinsicObjectType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
ExtrinsicObject are attributes from the ExtrinsicObject interface in ebRIM.
It inherits RegistryEntryAttributes
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryEntryType">
				<attribute name = "mimeType" default="application/octet-stream" type = "tns:LongName"/>
				<attribute name = "isOpaque" default = "false" type = "boolean"/>
	<!--Following element decl nneds to be lower case but using upper camel case for backward compatibility-->
	<element name = "ExtrinsicObject" type = "tns:ExtrinsicObjectType"/>
	<element name = "Address" type = "tns:PostalAddressType"/>

	<complexType name = "OrganizationType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryObjectType">
				<sequence minOccurs = "1" maxOccurs = "1">
					<element ref = "tns:Address" minOccurs = "1" maxOccurs = "1"/>
					<element ref = "tns:TelephoneNumber" minOccurs = "1" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
					<element ref = "tns:EmailAddress" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
				<attribute name = "parent" type = "anyURI"/>
				<attribute name = "primaryContact" use = "required" type = "anyURI"/>
	<element name = "Organization" type = "tns:OrganizationType"/>

	<complexType name = "SlotType1">
			<element ref = "tns:ValueList" minOccurs = "1" maxOccurs="1"/>
		<attribute name = "name" use = "required" type = "tns:LongName"/>
		<attribute name = "slotType" use = "optional" type = "tns:LongName"/>
	<element name = "Slot" type = "tns:SlotType1"/>

	<complexType name = "ValueListType">
		<sequence minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded">
			<element ref = "tns:Value" />
	<element name = "ValueList" type = "tns:ValueListType"/>
	<element name = "Value" type = "tns:LongName"/>

	<complexType name = "SlotListType">
			<element ref = "tns:Slot" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	<element name = "SlotList" type = "tns:SlotListType"/>

	<complexType name = "PersonNameType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
		<sequence minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded">
			<element ref = "tns:Slot"/>
		<attribute name = "firstName" use = "optional"  type = "tns:ShortName"/>
		<attribute name = "middleName" use = "optional" type = "tns:ShortName"/>
		<attribute name = "lastName" use = "optional" type = "tns:ShortName"/>
	<element name = "PersonName" type = "tns:PersonNameType"/>

	<complexType name = "EmailAddressType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
		<sequence minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded">
			<element ref = "tns:Slot"/>
		<attribute name = "address" use = "required" type = "tns:ShortName"/>
		<attribute name = "type" use = "optional" type = "tns:String32"/>
	<element name = "EmailAddress" type = "tns:EmailAddressType"/>

	<complexType name = "PostalAddressType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
		<sequence minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded">
			<element ref = "tns:Slot"/>
		<attribute name = "city" use = "optional" type = "tns:ShortName"/>
		<attribute name = "country" use = "optional" type = "tns:ShortName"/>
		<attribute name = "postalCode" use = "optional" type = "tns:ShortName"/>
		<attribute name = "stateOrProvince" use = "optional" type = "tns:ShortName"/>
		<attribute name = "street" use = "optional" type = "tns:ShortName"/>
		<attribute name = "streetNumber" use = "optional" type = "tns:String32"/>
	<element name = "PostalAddress" type = "tns:PostalAddressType"/>

	<complexType name = "RegistryEntryType">
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryObjectType">
				<attribute name = "expiration" use = "optional" type = "dateTime"/>
				<attribute name = "majorVersion" default = "1" type = "integer"/>
				<attribute name = "minorVersion" default = "0" type = "integer"/>
				<attribute name = "stability" use = "optional">
						<restriction base = "NCName">
							<enumeration value = "Dynamic"/>
							<enumeration value = "DynamicCompatible"/>
							<enumeration value = "Static"/>

				<attribute name = "userVersion" use = "optional" type = "tns:ShortName"/>
	<element name = "RegistryEntry" type = "tns:RegistryEntryType"/>
	<complexType name = "InternationalStringType">
		<sequence minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded">
			<element ref = "tns:LocalizedString" />
	<element name = "InternationalString" type = "tns:InternationalStringType"/>

	<complexType name = "LocalizedStringType">
		<attribute name = "lang" default = "en-US" form = "qualified" type = "language"/>
		<attribute name = "charset" default = "UTF-8" />
		<attribute name = "value" use = "required" type = "tns:FreeFormText"/>
	<element name = "LocalizedString" type = "tns:LocalizedStringType"/>

	<complexType name = "RegistryObjectType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
id may be empty. If specified it may be in urn:uuid format or be in some
arbitrary format. If id is empty registry must generate globally unique id.

If id is provided and in proper UUID syntax (starts with urn:uuid:) 
registry will honour it.

If id is provided and is not in proper UUID syntax then it is used for
linkage within document and is ignored by the registry. In this case the
registry generates a UUID for id attribute.

id must not be null when object is being retrieved from the registry.

		<sequence minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "1">
			<element ref = "tns:Name" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "1"/>
			<element ref = "tns:Description" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "1"/>
			<element ref = "tns:Slot" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
			<element ref = "tns:Classification" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
			<element ref = "tns:ExternalIdentifier" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
		<attribute name = "id" type = "anyURI"/>

		<!--home attribute is required only for replicas of remote Objects-->
		<attribute name = "home" type = "anyURI" use="optional"/>

		<attribute name = "objectType" use = "optional" type = "anyURI"/>
    <attribute name = "status">
        <restriction base = "NCName">
          <enumeration value = "Submitted"/>
          <enumeration value = "Approved"/>
          <enumeration value = "Deprecated"/>
          <enumeration value = "Withdrawn"/>
	<element name = "RegistryObject" type = "tns:RegistryObjectType"/>
	<element name = "Name" type = "tns:InternationalStringType" />
	<element name = "Description" type = "tns:InternationalStringType" />

	<complexType name = "RegistryPackageType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
RegistryPackage is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
It extends RegistryEntry.

A RegistryPackage is a named collection of objects.
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryEntryType">
					<element ref = "tns:RegistryObjectList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
	<element name = "RegistryPackage" type = "tns:RegistryPackageType"/>

	<complexType name = "ServiceType">
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryEntryType">
					<element ref = "tns:ServiceBinding" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
	<element name = "Service" type = "tns:ServiceType"/>

	<complexType name = "ServiceBindingType">
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryObjectType">
					<element ref = "tns:SpecificationLink" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>
				<attribute name = "service" use = "optional" type = "anyURI"/>
				<attribute name = "accessURI" use="optional" type = "anyURI"/>
				<attribute name = "targetBinding" use="optional" type = "anyURI"/>
	<element name = "ServiceBinding" type = "tns:ServiceBindingType"/>

	<complexType name = "SpecificationLinkType">
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryObjectType">
				<sequence minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "1">
					<element ref = "tns:UsageDescription" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs="1" />
					<element ref = "tns:UsageParameter" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
				<attribute name = "serviceBinding" use = "optional" type = "anyURI"/>
				<attribute name = "specificationObject" use="required" type = "anyURI"/>
	<element name = "SpecificationLink" type = "tns:SpecificationLinkType"/>
	<element name = "UsageDescription" type = "tns:InternationalStringType"  />
	<element name = "UsageParameter" type = "tns:FreeFormText" />
	<complexType name = "TelephoneNumberType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
TelephoneNumber is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
		<attribute name = "areaCode" use = "optional" type = "tns:String8"/>
		<attribute name = "countryCode" use = "optional" type = "tns:String8"/>
		<attribute name = "extension" use = "optional" type = "tns:String8"/>
		<attribute name = "number" use = "optional" type = "tns:String16"/>
		<attribute name = "phoneType" use = "optional" type = "tns:String32"/>
		<attribute name = "url" use = "optional" type = "anyURI"/>
	<element name = "TelephoneNumber" type = "tns:TelephoneNumberType"/>
	<element name = "FaxNumber" type = "tns:TelephoneNumberType"/>
	<element name = "MobileTelephoneNumber" type = "tns:TelephoneNumberType"/>
	<element name = "PagerNumber" type = "tns:TelephoneNumberType"/>

	<complexType name = "TelephoneNumberListType">
			<element ref = "tns:TelephoneNumber" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"/>

	<complexType name = "UserType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryObjectType">
				<sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs = "1">
					<element ref = "tns:Address" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
					<element ref = "tns:PersonName" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
					<element ref = "tns:TelephoneNumber" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
					<element ref = "tns:EmailAddress" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
				<attribute name = "url" use = "optional" type = "anyURI"/>
	<element name = "User" type = "tns:UserType"/>

	<complexType name = "RegistryType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryEntryType">
			    <attribute name = "operator" use = "required" type = "anyURI"/>
                            <attribute name = "specificationVersion" use = "required" type = "string"/>
                            <attribute name = "replicationSyncLatency"  default= "P1D" type = "duration"/>
                            <attribute name = "catalogingLatency" default= "P1D" type = "duration"/>

                            <!--Optional features supported -->
                            <attribute name = "sqlQuerySupported" default = "false" type = "boolean"/>
                            <attribute name = "eventNotificationSupported" default = "false" type = "boolean"/>
                            <attribute name = "objectReplicationSupported" default = "false" type = "boolean"/>
                            <attribute name = "objectRelocationSupported" default = "false" type = "boolean"/>
	<element name = "Registry" type = "tns:RegistryType"/>
	<complexType name = "FederationType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
			<extension base = "tns:RegistryEntryType">
					<element name = "Members" type = "tns:ObjectRefListType"/>

				<attribute name = "replicationSyncLatency" use = "required" type = "duration"/>
	<element name = "Federation" type = "tns:FederationType"/>
	<complexType name = "AdhocQueryType" abstract="true">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
The common base type for all types of Adh hoc queries.
    <extension base = "tns:RegistryObjectType">
	<element name = "Subscription">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
A Subscription for specified Events in an ebXML V3+ registry.
				<extension base = "tns:RegistryObjectType">
						<element name = "Action" type="tns:ActionType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <!--Ref to a AdhocQueryType instance -->
          <attribute name = "selector" type = "anyURI" use="required"/>	
					<attribute name = "startDate" use = "optional" type = "dateTime"/>
					<attribute name = "endDate" use = "optional" type = "dateTime"/>
					<attribute name = "notificationInterval" use = "optional" type="duration" /> 

	<complexType name = "ActionType" abstract="true">
Abstract Base type for all types of Actions.

	<complexType name = "NotifyActionType" abstract="true">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en">
Abstract Base type for all types of Notify Actions
			<extension base = "tns:ActionType">
				<attribute name = "notificationOption" default="ObjectRefs">
						<restriction base = "NCName">
							<enumeration value = "ObjectRefs"/>
							<enumeration value = "Objects"/>
        <attribute name = "endPoint" type = "anyURI" use="required"/>
	<complexType name = "ObjectRefType">
			<documentation xml:lang = "en"> 
Use to reference an Object by its id.
Specifies the id attribute of the object as its id attribute.
id attribute in ObjectAttributes is exactly the same syntax and semantics as
id attribute in RegistryObject.
		<attribute name = "id" type = "anyURI" use="required"/>

		<!--home attribute is required only for remote ObjectRef-->
		<attribute name = "home" type = "anyURI" use="optional"/>

		<!--When true and is a remote ObjectRef then the registry must create a replica for this ObjectRef -->
		<attribute name = "createReplica" type = "boolean" default="false"/>
	<element name = "ObjectRef" type = "tns:ObjectRefType"/>

	<complexType name = "ObjectRefListType">
		<sequence minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded">
			<element ref = "tns:ObjectRef"/>
	<element name = "ObjectRefList" type="tns:ObjectRefListType"/>

	<complexType name = "RegistryObjectListType">  
      <element ref="tns:RegistryObject" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <element ref="tns:ObjectRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	<element name = "RegistryObjectList" type = "tns:RegistryObjectListType"/>  	

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