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Subject: FW: Conformance specifications

Lisa's response:

-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa Carnahan [mailto:lisa.carnahan@nist.gov]
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 12:09 PM
To: Breininger, Kathryn R
Cc: michael.kass@nist.gov; lynne Rosenthal
Subject: Re: Conformance specifications

Hi Kathryn,

I don't know of any further work that has been done with respect to the 
ebXML Registry Conformance tests.
Regarding Mike's help:  Mike will have to discuss this with our management 
to determine any level of effort.



At 05:18 PM 7/17/2003, Breininger, Kathryn R wrote:
>Hi Lisa!
>It has been a long time since we chatted!  How have you been doing?  We 
>are in the midst of remodeling our home while we are trying to live in 
>it.  This has been going on since November, and is not something I would 
>necessarily recommend!
>I do have a business related question.  The subject of conformance 
>specifications for the RIM and RS v3.0 came up during our ebXML Registry 
>telecon last week.  Do you know if anything was done beyond what Len did 
>about a year ago?
>We are looking at putting together a list of assertions to be tested as 
>input to a conformance test.  It was also suggested that Mike Kass might 
>be a good candidate to help with this task (hence the cc to Mike, since he 
>was not able to make the telecon!).
>Do you have any input or suggestions on the issue of conformance testing?
>Thanks for your help,
>Kathryn Breininger
>CENTRAL Project Manager
>Emerging Technologies
>Boeing Library Services
>425-965-0182 phone
>425-237-3491 fax

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