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Subject: How to make ebXML Registry Search Engine friendly?

Changed subject to be more appropriate to the important question Duane 

Duane Nickull wrote:

> With respect to user defined URL's, is it possible that there would be 
> a manifest published somewhere on the Registry? THis may help if 
> someone came along with a contextual XML Search Engine and they could 
> simply slurp up the entire list of objects. Then, one SE interface 
> could search for objects scattered over multiple registries. 

This issue has come up in my mind several times but to no answer yet. 
How do we spec things to make ebXML Registry content be indexed by 
search engines. I will log this as a candidate feature for V4 
discussions. If any one has any background in search engine technologies 
please step up so we can have some focused attention on this important 


> Duane
> Farrukh Najmi wrote:
>> Chiusano Joseph wrote:
>>> Since they are using ebxmlrr, that would put them at v2.1, right? (the
>>> announcement did not specify version)
>> Yes they are using ebxmlrr. That would put them on version 2.1 + many 
>> features from version 2.5 such as:
>> -User specified URLs
>> -Content cataloging
>> -HTTP interface
>> -2.5 canonical data
>> -XACML based access control
>> I am likely forgetting a few odds and end.
>> -- 
>> Farrukh
>>> Joe
>>> Farrukh Najmi wrote:
>>>> FYI... In case some folks are not subscribed to regrep-comment.
>>>> Congratulations to Ladislav and the Webswell team.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Farrukh
>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>> Subject: [regrep-comment] Webswell Connect R/R 1.04
>>>> Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 16:58:09 +0200
>>>> From: Ladislav Urban <Ladislav.Urban@webswell.com>
>>>> To: regrep-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
>>>> I am glad to announce that the Webswell company launched a new
>>>> distribution of ebXML Registry/Repository - Webswell Connect R/R 1.04
>>>> The distribution contains ebXML Registry / Repository server and 
>>>> client,
>>>> database, tomcat and all software needed for installation, using and
>>>> development of ebXML R/R. All components are already configured and
>>>> ready to use. Webswell Connect allows easy, interactive and user
>>>> friendly installation. It is entirely open source, free and available
>>>> for download at: http://www.webswell.com/products/download
>>>> ebXML Registry and Repository are key element of full ebXML 
>>>> integration
>>>> solution. They store, allow to find and process information about
>>>> companies participating in integration (or willing participate). The
>>>> information include company profiles, technical descriptions of
>>>> services, business processes and technical agreements between
>>>> integrated companies. Compared to UDDI Registry (focused primarily on
>>>> discovering of business ), ebXML Registry and Repository includes
>>>> features necessary for collaboration of businesses. Once the
>>>> businesses (e.g. Trading partners) are discovered, they can 
>>>> collaborate
>>>> in business data exchanges in accordance with business process
>>>> descriptions and scenarios stored in ebXML R/R.
>>>> Webswell Connect is based on well supported open standards
>>>> http://www.ebxml.org and uses the best open source implementation of
>>>> ebxml Registry / Repository
>>>> http://ebxmlrr.sourceforge.net/
>>>> Webswell is integration company specialized on building ebXML
>>>> integration solutions at various levels (business integration, 
>>>> technical
>>>> integration) and related consultancy. More information you can find at
>>>> http://www.webswell.com
>>>> Ladislav Urban
>>>> CEO of Webswell
>>>> Ladislav.Urban@webswell.com
>>>> +420 603 540453
>>>> You may leave a Technical Committee at any time by visiting 
>>>> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/regrep/members/leave_workgroup.php 

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