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Subject: Re: [regrep] Groups - regrep-tutorial-draft-04.pdf uploaded

Farrukh.najmi@sun.com wrote:
> The document regrep-tutorial-draft-04.pdf has been submitted by Farrukh Najmi (Farrukh.najmi@sun.com) to the OASIS ebXML Registry TC document repository.
> Document Description:
> Initial draft of ebXML Registry Tutorial.Contains the generic mapping patterns to map a domain specific model to ebRIM. 
> Please send feedback to regrep list.

Hi all,

Some comments regarding the draft text, sorted by section number.

* clarification of permitted mappings:
  1) reuse (extend?) existing ebRIM classes
  2) extend ExtrinsicObject
  3) introduce new classes? Figure 8 seems to rule this out

* since an extrinsic object is conceptually a proxy for some repository
  item, extending it makes sense only if such an item is likely to exist
  (even if it doesn't in all cases, e.g. "poor man's" metadata where
  the description of a scientific data set currently lacks any
  technical details which may be provided in the future)

* can a class extension introduce new operations, or must these be
  encapsulated in separate interfaces? Query operations can be mapped
  to stored queries in many cases (3.4).

* perhaps include a clarification that generalization is implied by the
  nested structure of the objectType scheme.

* query operations can be easily mapped to (generic) stored queries
  in ebRIM.

* role names should map to Association/Name/LocalizedString/@value.

* since a composition is just another kind of relationship (albeit with
  strong "ownership" semantics), modeling compositions as slots seems
  unnecessary--just use associations as is done for aggregations
  (3.5.3), especially since the semantics isn't enforced.
* however, we could just mirror the UML metamodel and add an
  "aggregation" slot to an Association to indicate the kind of
  association, where the value is "composite" (Note: this could
  also be applied to the RegistryPackage->hasMember association).

* should clarify that this section summarizes mappings for attributes
  that reflect datatype properties; object properties generally map to

Richard Martell         Public PGP key: <http://www.galdosinc.com/pgp/>
Galdos Systems, Inc.      tel: +1 604-484-2765  |  fax: +1 604-484-2755

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