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Subject: Re: [regrep] RE : [Fwd: [regrep] New ballot"Vote on cc-Review subteam report" (WAS RE:[regrep] Standards approvalprocess)]

I have to agree with Joseph.  This makes far more sense than defining 
another API for the same thing (unless there is some additional 


Chiusano Joseph wrote:

>for example a "getABIE()" method, has to retrieve full definition components (ABIE with its BBIE and ASBIE properties) in an atomic call.
>Why not a "getRegistryObject()"* method with one of the parameters signifying ObjectType of "Core Component"?
>*may not be the exact name (sent quickly without opening spec - sorry)
>Kind Regards,
>Joseph Chiusano
>Booz Allen Hamilton
>Strategy and Technology Consultants to the World
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: BEDINI Ivan RD-BIZZ-CAE [mailto:ivan.bedini@francetelecom.com] 
>>Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 12:52 PM
>>To: regrep@lists.oasis-open.org
>>Subject: [regrep] RE : [Fwd: [regrep] New ballot "Vote on 
>>cc-Review subteam report" (WAS RE:[regrep] Standards approval 
>>Thanks Farrukh, we agree to edit the mapping and to submit a 
>>draft ASAP to the TC. 
>>Only to give an example, please find attached to this mail 
>>UBL Invoice Structure, which represent a "complete" ABIE.
>>The files are : 
>>- one in EDIFRANCE BS xml format (which isn't 100% compliant 
>>to CCTS yet...)
>>- the other is the BS schema
>>- the last is the ebRIM format (it is only an example, the 
>>inner assosiactions are not provided in the file)
>>The ebRIM format shows why I spoke about a dedicated API for 
>>CC. When I retrieve a generic CC in reality I need to 
>>retrieve all associated sub-component and that couldn't be 
>>done by a simple request provided by the QueryManager In 
>>fact, for example a "getABIE()" method, has to retrieve full 
>>definition components (ABIE with its BBIE and ASBIE 
>>properties) in an atomic call.
>>-----Message d'origine-----
>>De : Farrukh Najmi [mailto:Farrukh.Najmi@Sun.COM] Envoyé : 
>>lundi 17 janvier 2005 22:16 À : regrep@lists.oasis-open.org 
>>Objet : Re: [Fwd: [regrep] New ballot "Vote on cc-Review 
>>subteam report" (WAS RE:[regrep] Standards approval process)]
>>Resending after fixing the subject per Joe's earlier suggestion.
>>Sorry I think it was me who replied to the wrong message at 
>>the begining 
>>of this thread. Please try and use the subject Joe started in 
>>BEDINI Ivan RD-BIZZ-CAE wrote:
>>>I'm sorry but the mapping is not so simple:
>>>the better solution for ASCC and ASBIE is an ebRIM association or an 
>>>extrinsic object ? do we need a dedicated registry object for BCC, 
>>>BBIE, ASCC, ASBIE properties or an association is enough?
>>>Business Context will be a registry classification or an extrinsic
>>>object ?
>>I think Ivan touches on an important point above... That the 
>>fundemental issue is the mapping between two information models:
>>a) The CCTS Information Model (source model)
>>b) The ebXML Registry Information Model (target model)
>>Both models are defined in UML and a mapping between the two 
>>should be the main focus. Such a mapping should be an 
>>abstract mapping that is independent of Serialization or 
>>Storage formats at least initialy.
>>This whole debate about which comes first: Serialization 
>>format or Storage format is not the core issue to debate IMHO.
>>Instead we should be debating on the mapping issues between 
>>the two models (see Iva's examles above) and using the ebXML 
>>Registry Tutorial:
>>    http://ebxmlrr.sourceforge.net/tmp/regrep-tutorial-draft-04.pdf
>>as a key input when trying solution to mapping problems.
>>BTW, is any one able to take Editorship of above document 
>>from me as I have become a bottleneck on that document? Ivan, 
>>would you be interested given that you and your colleagues 
>>have been using this document since its earliest version and 
>>have some practical experience with its content?
>>To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from 
>>the roster of the OASIS TC), go to 
>To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster of the OASIS TC), go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/regrep/members/leave_workgroup.php.

Senior Standards Strategist - Adobe Systems, Inc. - http://www.adobe.com
Vice Chair - UN/CEFACT Bureau Plenary - http://www.unece.org/cefact/
Chair - OASIS eb SOA TC - http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=ebsoa

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