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Subject: Re: [regrep] [RS Issue] Internal Vs. External Users

At the core of my comment is an understanding of facts in the enterprise 
setting: An ebXML registry WILL NOT be an identity provider, unless of 
course a very large software company decides to make a product and 
successfully market it into many enterprise customers.  I doubt this 
would happen, so we need to be very specific in saying that Identity 
management is not a registry function.  By putting some kind of 
abstraction in the specification, we still allow registries to support 
being a minimal identity provider for small or pilot installations but 
do not get in the way of serious enterprise installations either.

I have yet to encounter a paying customer of ebXML registry that was 
especially happy about having an extra user database to support.  In 
fact, since early days at XML Global, LDAP/ActiveDirectory integration 
has been a top ask.

Chiusano Joseph wrote:

>Is the bottom-line question here "should the registry should define an
>abstract PrincipalProvider service, and treat external and internal
>users equally as something that may or may not be managed by the
>registry?" rather than the way it is described in section 11.7?
>If so, I believe the definition/usage of a PrincipalProvider service
>should be left as an implementation choice. There may be implementations
>that use a registry only locally, and may not need to use external
>identity providers. On a related note, I would not consider the
>registry's management of users (a capability since v1) as synonymous
>with an identity provider in terms of what SAML and Liberty Alliance
>Kind Regards,
>Joseph Chiusano
>Booz Allen Hamilton
>Strategy and Technology Consultants to the World
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Farrukh Najmi [mailto:Farrukh.Najmi@Sun.COM] 
>>Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 11:38 AM
>>To: regrep@lists.oasis-open.org
>>Subject: [regrep] [RS Issue] Internal Vs. External Users
>>Matt sent following comment on section 11.7 that describes 
>>Internal Vs. 
>>External Users.
>>"This section exists, IMO, due to poor design.  Why is there 
>>even a concept of internal and external users and 
>>organizations?  The registry should define an abstract 
>>PrincipalProvider service, and treat external and internal 
>>users equally as something that may or may not be managed by 
>>the registry."
>>The registry historically since version 1 has served in the 
>>roles of an Identity Provider (manages users) and an 
>>Authentication Authority ( validates user credentials). Thus 
>>a registry prior to version 3 allowed users to be stored 
>>internal to the registry.
>>With version 3 we allow the Identity Provider and 
>>Authentication Authority functions to be provided by an 
>>external SAML Authority such as an Access Manager service.
>>Depending upon deployment situations a registry MAY manage 
>>users itself or leverage an external service to do so.
>>This section is defining the behavior of how to handle cases 
>>where a user is bweing managed by an external service rather 
>>than the registry.
>>If you have a specific proposal on how to address this issue 
>>please share and we can review the details. Thanks.
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