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Subject: Standards approval process link

Here is the link to the standards approval process
The minimum period for electronic voting is seven calendar days, unless
we decide we want a longer voting period for a particular ballot.  We
will need to discuss at our telecon meeting on February 3rd whether or
not we are ready to vote on approving the specs as TC approved specs,
and whether we want the voting period to be the minimum (seven calendar
days) or longer.  Once the ballot closes and we have the results, I will
need to notify OASIS TC Administration of the results of the vote.  

If the ballot is approved, we will need to discuss whether or not we are
ready to vote on submitting the specs to OASIS for the 30 day public
review.  If we decide we are ready, an electronic ballot will be set up
and we will need to decide whether to go with the minimum voting period
of seven calendar days or longer.  All comments that come in during the
30 day review must be captured and resolved, and the specs cannot be
changed during that time.  If there are significant changes made, we may
need to do another 30 day review.  After all final changes to the
document, the TC must vote again to re-approve the work as a Committee
Draft. After that we vote again on whether or not to recommend it be
made an OASIS Standard and if approved, begin the submission process.


Kathryn Breininger
CENTRAL Project Manager
Emerging Technologies
Boeing Library Services

425-965-0182 phone
425-237-3491 fax

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