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Subject: Re: Associating schema with document

On 22/09/2001 02:29:51 James Clark wrote:

>Murata-san raised the issue of whether we want to do this at all. We need
>to resolve that before we resolve the issue of how to do it.

One issue I would like to raise, as I have seen it come up with XML Schema, is that for business use, both the author and the recipient may want to associate a schema with the document.  The author may be using a local copy which (s)he wants to access directly.  The recipient, who cannot necessarily trust the author's copy, will want to associate the document with the recipient's local copy.  Clearly the author cannot be responsible for putting in the physical URI for the recipient's copy, but the author and recipient can agree on a logical URI for the intended schema, which an entity resolver can then convert to a physical URI using a catalogue.

Of course, you could argue that the author could use the same thing, the same logical URI + catalogue lookup, but this often seems to be too much trouble for authors.  Anyway, suffice to say that I am finding this to be a significant issue with W3C XML Schemas and schema locations, so I suggest in advance you try to accommodate the need for authors and recipients to have their own trusted copies of the same schema version(s).

Anthony B. Coates
(1) Content Distribution Architect - Project Gazelle
(2) Leader of XML Architecture & Design - Chief Technology Office
Reuters Plc, London.

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