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Subject: [relax-ng-comment] RELAX NG Restrictions

Are any of the restrictions of the simplified form of RELAX NG
applicable to the full form?

I was making up a little Schematron schema (below) before I twigged that
the restrictions were not generally applicable, and it would be nice
not to throw the whole thing out. 


<schema xmlns="http://www.ascc.net/xml/schematron"; >
 <title>Simplified RELAX NG Restrictions</title>
 <ns prefix="r" uri="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"/>
 <p>This schema validates various restrictions on RELAX NG 
 after it has been simplified.</p>
 <p>See http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/relax-ng/spec-20011203.html#restriction</p>

 <pattern name="Restrictions">
  <rule context="r:ref">
   <report test="ancestor::r:attribute"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) An &lt;attribute> should not have a &lt;ref> anywhere under it</report>
   <report test="ancestor::r:list"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) A &lt;list> should not have a &lt;ref> anywhere under it</report>
   <report test="ancestor::r:except[parent::r:data]"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) A &lt;except> element contained by a &lt;data> should 
   not have a &lt;ref> anywhere under it</report>

  <rule context="list">
   <report test="ancestor::r:attribute"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) An &lt;attribute> should not have a &lt;list> anywhere under it</report>
   <report test="ancestor::r:list"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) A &lt;list> should not have a &lt;list> anywhere under it</report>
   <report test="ancestor::r:start"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) A &lt;start> should not have a &lt;list> anywhere under it</report>

   <report test="ancestor::r:except[parent::r:data]"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) A &lt;except> element contained by a &lt;data> should 
   not have a &lt;list> anywhere under it</report>
   <report test="ancestor::r:interleave[ancestor::r:oneOrMore]"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) A &lt;oneOrMore> element anywhere under an &lt;interleave> element should not have 
   a &lt;list> anywhere under it</report>


  <rule context="r:text">
   <report test="ancestor::r:start"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) An &lt;start> should not have a &lt;text> anywhere under it</report>
   <report test="ancestor::r:list"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) A &lt;list> should not have a &lt;text> anywhere under it</report>
   <report test="ancestor::r:except[parent::r:data]"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) A &lt;except> element contained by a &lt;data> should 
   not have a &lt;text> anywhere under it</report>

 <rule context="r:interleave ">
   <report test="count(//r:text) &gt; 1"
   >An &lt;interleave> should not have more than one &lt;text> descendents</report>
   <report test="ancestor::r:list"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) An &lt;list> should not have a &lt;<name
/>> anywhere under it</report>
   <report test="ancestor::r:start"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) An &lt;start> should not have a &lt;<name
/>> anywhere under it</report>
   <report test="ancestor::r:except[parent::r:data]"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) A &lt;except> element contained by a &lt;data> should 
   not have a &lt;<name />> anywhere under it</report>

  <rule context="r:attribute">
   <report test="ancestor::r:group[parent::r:oneOrMore]"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) A &lt;oneOrMore> element containing an &lt;group> should 
   not have a &lt;<name />> anywhere under it</report>

  <rule context="r:group | r:oneOrMore | r:empty">
   <report test="ancestor::r:start"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) An &lt;start> should not have 
   a &lt;<name />> anywhere under it</report>
   <report test="ancestor::r:except[parent::r:data]"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) A &lt;except> element contained by a &lt;data> should 
   not have a &lt;<name />> anywhere under it</report>

  <rule context="r:data | r:value">
   <report test="ancestor::r:start"
   >(Simplified RELAX NG) An &lt;start> should not have 
   a &lt;<name />> anywhere under it</report>


 <pattern name="String_Sequences">
  <rule context="r:element[not(//r:list)] | r:attribute[not(//r:list)]">

 <pattern name="Restrictions_on_Attributes_1">
  <!-- limitation: only handles name attributes -->
  <!-- the count(*) is too broad -->
  <rule context="r:group[count(*)&gt;1]//r:attribute[@name] ">
   <report test=
   >(Simplified RELAX) Duplicate attributes are not allowed. </report>

  <rule context="r:interleave[count(*)&gt;1]//r:attribute[@name]">
   <report test=
   >(Simplified RELAX) Duplicate attributes are not allowed. </report>
 <pattern name="Restrictions_on_Attributes_2">
  <!-- limitation: only handles direct name elements -->
  <!-- the count(*) is too broad -->
  <rule context="r:group[count(*)&gt; 1)]//r:attribute[r:name] ">
   <report test=
   >(Simplified RELAX) Duplicate attributes are not allowed. </report>

  <rule context="r:interleave[count(*)&gt;1]//r:attribute[r:name]">
   <report test=
   >(Simplified RELAX) Duplicate attributes are not allowed. </report>

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