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Subject: [rights-requirements] RLTC Requirements SC Meeting Minutes - June 6,2002

Title: RLTC Requirements SC Meeting Minutes - June 6, 2002

Meeting Minutes
Group: RLTC Requirements SC
Meeting Date: June 19, 2002
Time: 11:00 - 12:00 EDT
Minutes Taker: Hari Reddy
Location: Conference Call

Bob Glushko, Co-Chair
Hari Reddy, Co-Chair
Bob Atkinson
Thomas DeMartini
John Erickson
Thomas Hardjono
David Parrott
Brad Gandee
M. Paramasivam

1. Administrative Items
1.1 Agenda changes/approval
HR: Suggested change to the agenda to discuss schedule before requirements sources.

1.2 Future Meeting Logistics
HR: To facilitate the meetings, I will look into a standing call number.
TD: Look into 1 phone number that the entire RLTC can use.
BG: May be a problem since the SCs have booked back to back meeting times. 1 Number would prevent discussions from continuing.

1.3 Update from last meeting
HR: Still need to clean up the Requirements Process based upon input from the SC members. Basically, the change will streamline the process by combining Process Steps "Categorize" and "Evaluate" into one Process Step called "Categorize". The steps that the Requirements SC will follow are:

1. Gather Requirements
2. Categorize Requirements
3. Disposition Requirements
4. Create/Approve Requirements SC Draft Requirements Document
5. Create/Approve RLTC Requirements - Vote by RLTC Membership

The Requirements Process will be modified and sent out to the SC by 6/19 PM.

HR: Requested that people submit to him sample tools and formats that people have employed in other venues for each of the above Process Steps. I will send out samples of tools by 6/23 PM.

2. Requirements Schedule
HR: Submitted the Requirements Schedule depicting the above Process Steps.1 Month is allocated for each of the first 3 Process Steps. Due to the parallel nature of the process, the 3 can occur simultaneously with a one week shift. The start date being June 19 (week 25) and the final end date (date for start of Requirements SC Draft creation) being July 24 (week 30). (See enclosed schedule for more details). The meeting was opened for discussion.

BobG: This is an aggressive schedule in light of holidays.
HR: We have an opportunity in that there is a great deal of cross pollination between the SCs that will facilitate communications between teams. This will help in the Categorization Step.

Requirements SC was in agreement of the Schedule.

3. Requirements Sources
HR: A list of requirements sources was developed at the last meeting and extended before this meeting. A request was made to the SC to extend this list during this meeting and assign member to be the responsible representative. This will involve the Governance-Liaison SC in that if a relationship already exists, the Requirements SC will use the preexisting channel developed by the Governance-Liaison SC. As a review, the list of Source entity classifications was read directly from the RLTC Charter.

BobG: We need to have a letter that we can formally request the source entities for requirements.
HR: Agreed. I will develop a letter for the Requirements SC and Governance-Liaison SC to review by 5-23 PM. The final letter will be ready on 5-24 PM based upon input from the SCs. People should start discussions as soon as possible if they have not already done so.

HR: The other RLTC members will be aware of the target Source entities upon the publishing of these minutes which will contain the final agreed upon list by the Requirements SC.

JE/BobG: We need to find representative organizations for the end user communities.
BobG: We can solicit feedback from the following organizations: (1) Creative Commons and (2) Digital Consumer.
JE: How should we solicit requirements from other OASIS TCs such as XACML?
HR: There are several members of XACML on the RTLC including several SCs. If they wish to submit requirements they may do so in the time period agreed upon the Requirements SC. A reminder will be made during the next general body RLTC call.

HR: Requested Dave Parrot to submit a requirements document, leveraging the analysis that he did for other venues.
DP: Agreed to submit a more recent version based upon continued discussions.

An assignment of initial representatives was made. The following final list was agreed upon by the Requirements SC:

1. MPEG ("Motion Picture Expert Group") - BG
2. XBRL ("extensible Business Reporting Language") - HR
3. ebXML/UBL ("electronic business XML/Universal Business Language")- BobG
4. OeBF ("Open eBook Forum") - BG
5. AAP ("American Association of Publishers") - BG
6. CEN/ISS DRM Working Group - BG/HR
7. OMA ("Open Mobile Alliance") - JE
8. Reuters - DP
9. Creative Commons - JE
10. Digital Consumer - JE
11. Web Services - BobA

An action was suggested for the Requirements SC membership to submit any documentation that would represent the end user community.

4. Meeting Adjournment

Included Documents:
1. Requirements SC Action Item List
2. Requirements SC Schedule

<<Requirements SC Action Item List.xls>> <<Requirements SC Schedule.xls>>

Attachment: Requirements SC Action Item List.xls
Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet

Attachment: Requirements SC Schedule.xls
Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet

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