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Subject: Re: [saml-dev] Minutes for Tuesday's call - 5/7/2002


Sun will only participate in the west coast dry run.



>Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 14:13:01 -0400
>From: "Philpott, Robert" <rphilpott@rsasecurity.com>
>Subject: [saml-dev] Minutes for Tuesday's call - 5/7/2002
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>Please send along corrections or additions!
>Attendees (I'm sure I messed up the spelling for some of these - sorry):
>      Rob Philpott - RSA Security
>      Prateek Mishra - Netegrity
>      Hal Lockhart, Ryan Eberhard - Entegrity
>      Don Bowen, Bahazna Bhatnagar - Sun
>      Irving Reid - Baltimore
>      Jahan Moreh, Sayan Chakraborty - Sigaba
>      Charles Knouse - Oblix
>      Don Flinn - Quadrasis
>      Ken Yagen, Mingda Su, Andrew Fetterer - Crosslogix
>      Ben ? - Tivoli
>1.    Prateek - Send out updated B/A Profile document
>2.    Don Flinn - Write up and send to the list a proposal for using SAML in
>the mid and back-end tiers.
>3.    Ken Yagan - If others are interested, work with those vendors and
>develop a concrete, detailed proposal for demonstrating authorization
>decision statements.
>4.    Hal - Write a proposal for displaying interesting info to show what's
>happening behind the scenes with SAML.
>5.    ALL Participants - Indicate on the mailing list whether they prefer
>all participants stick to just the core interop demo or whether they are
>fine if some subset of vendors demonstrate additional capabilities beyond
>the Browser/Artifact Profile.
>6.    RSA and Sun - Ensure that systems are protected from the internet
>during the dry run.
>7.    Bahazna Bhatnagar or Don Bowen - Follow up on whether Sun will
>participate in both dry runs.
>8.    ALL - Send dumps or traces of requests and assertions to the list.
>This will let folks check for ambiguities prior to the dry run.
>> 1. Clarify all actions related to finalizing technical focus
>> As Hal and I both have said in recent emails, we must start
>> making final decisions on what will be tested and by who.
>> This needs to be at a sufficient enough detail so that there
>> are no doubts. I have a small fear that we might include too
>> much, as Prateek warned in the beginning. However, I have a
>> bigger fear that we won't include enough or that we will
>> "agree" to include something, but because of the lack of
>> detailed communication about what that means someone will be
>> left out. We absolutely must avoid either of these
>> scenarios. Personally I believe that browser profile is not
>> enough, but discussions on other aspects have not been
>> sufficient. I'm not even sure the browser profile details
>> are sufficient. This is our highest priority.
>Prateek published a document describing the Browser/Artifact Profile flows
>for the demo.  Some comments were received and an update will be sent out
>There was quite a lengthy discussion of possible extensions to the interop
>demo functionality.  This fell into several categories:
>1.    Using SAML in the mid-tier or between the mid-tier and back-ends.
>Qaudrasis is interested in a scenario that involves using some vendor's B/A
>profile for authentication and then performing an AttributeQuery to another
>vendor's authority. Several interesting points were raised during the
>a.    The current B/A Profile proposal involves a single assertion
>containing both an AuthenticationStatement and an AttributeStatement.  
>b.    Some vendors (Baltimore, Sun, etc) did not interpret B/A Profile as a
>1-step process. They were planning to use a 2 steps.  First they would use
>the artifact to obtain an assertion with a single AuthenticationStatement.
>They would then take the Subject from that assertion and make a separate
>c.    ? Doesn't the SSO assertion specify inclusion of attributes? No.
>d.    Rob - Will the 1-Step SAML Request include RespondWith elements
>identifying the 2 statements required by the response?  Hal - yes.
>e.    Hal - If folks have a general SAML SOAP Binding responder, then the
>demo could be changed.  
>f.    Some vendors (Entegrity, RSA, Netegrity) plan to eventually provide
>support for the 2-step approach, although they probably will not be ready by
>the interop date.  They (and Tivoli) were in favor of keeping the 1-step
>exchange for the interop.
>2.    Support for Authorization Decision queries and statements.  
>a.    Ken Yagen asked whether authorization queries will be supported. Very
>few vendors will have this ready. If this is desired, a concrete proposal is
>needed ASAP.
>3.    Providing visual feedback of the SAML activities going on behind the
>a.    Hal - One idea would be to reserve a component of the screen to
>display info showing what is going on with SAML (e.g. where authenticated,
>your attributes, etc.) Hal will propose something more specific.
>4.    Using the Browser/POST profile
>a.    Sigaba is interested in B/P Profile.
>b.    Several vendors (Sun, Entegrity, RSA, Baltimore) have it in their
>plans, but don't expect to have it ready for the interop.
>c.    Prateek - Doing it without DSIG is dangerous and this greatly
>complicates the scenario.
>> 2. Review dry-run configuration details as proposed by
>> Robert Philpott from RSA
>> There has just been too little of this thread for me to feel
>> good, but I don't think it should take much to have
>> something we can go with for both east and west coast
>> dry-runs.
>Looks fine.
>Hal - We don't really need inbound traffic.  It just opens our systems up to
>attack from the internet.
>Rob - the systems will be behind a firewall and will be protected.
>Irving - we're also running on a non-routing subnet so that limits our
>> 3. Review which companies will attend and where
>> This information is in the spreadsheet I've been
>> maintaining, but won't hurt to review
>Everyone needs to ensure that Don's spreadsheet is correct.
>Rob - Has email (Aravindan Ranganathan [mailto:aravind@sun.com
><mailto:aravind@sun.com> ]) indicating Sun would like to participate in dry
>runs on both coasts.  Need someone to confirm.
>Systinet may have dropped out.
>> 4. Check status on marketing progress
>> I don't know that anything is going on in this area and that
>> has to change quickly. I will talk to our marketing person
>> this week, but we almost need a marketing point person. They
>> don't have to know everything, just take responsibility to
>> make sure discussions are taking place and sufficient
>> progress is occurring to insure success for that element. If
>> we fail here, we fail :-)
>We're leaving this one for Don to follow up.
>> 5. Review status on each vendor's SAML development
>> Not a big deal, but we should just insure that dates in the
>> spreadsheet and associated capabilities are still valid.
>Post to the list making sure the supported functionality in the spreadsheet
>is correct.
>> 6. Discuss internet testing, who may participate and how
>Entegrity and Baltimore are trying it - should be another week before
>they're ready.

Bhavna Bhatnagar                		Sun Microsystems Inc.		 
Identity Management group	 __o
Tel: 408-276-3591              _`\<,_	
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