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Subject: Re: [sarif-comment] Non-material GitHub issues to fix

This comment was from a TC member, so it was moved to the TC mailing list.


On 2020-02-17 11:34, Larry Golding (Myriad Consulting Inc) wrote:
Please fix the following non-material issues that have been captured as GitHub issues in https://github.com/oasis-tcs/sarif-spec <https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Foasis-tcs%2Fsarif-spec&data=02%7C01%7Cv-lgold%40microsoft.com%7Cc4876d2c8b604602f43e08d7b17efadb%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C637173031235478907&sdata=7YUNuGqFoiFsFv4hfJfkI9YasRE7VaRwq9JttUXfLXY%3D&reserved=0>:

  * #422
    Ensure all GUIDs in format examples are valid but distinguishable
  * #430
    Conformance Clause numbering skips clause 4
  * #431
    Add xref 3.7.4 to graphTraversal.runGraphIndex
  * #432
    Spec restricts link destinations in formatted messages to
    non-negative integers
  * #434
    Clarify that per-sub-rule metadata is not supported
  * #435
    Use "document" rather than "specification" as appropriate
  * #436
    Missing curly brace in example
  * #437
    Fix result.rule.description in schema
  * #440
    Fix typo in 3.14.28 section title
  * #444
    Errors in K.4 Comprehensive SARIF file
  * #445
    Editorial issue in invocation.startTimeUtc and invocation.endTimeUtc
  * #446
    Invalid Hyperlinks found
  * #448
    Duplication of v2.1.0 JSON schema
  * #449
    Suppression "status" property mis-spelled as "state" in the schema
  * #450
    Use of obsolete baselineState.existing property persists in spec
  * #451 <https://github.com/oasis-tcs/sarif-spec/issues/451>: Clarify
    guidance on use of space in plain text messages



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