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Subject: Re: [sarif] Announcement of Ballot to Approve and Publish Errata

     The title of the ballot has an error in it:  two t's in Errata.

     Hopefully that is not enough of a reason to vote no. :-)


On 8/21/23 17:46, David Keaton wrote:
ÂÂÂÂ At the previous SARIF TC meeting, I took an action item to propose a resolution to any Errata comments received, and give people a week to think about my proposal before beginning a ballot to approve the Errata.

ÂÂÂÂ No comments were received, from inside or outside of the TC, so instead, I am beginning the ballot now.

 Please vote. This is an official OASIS Full Majority Vote, meaning that the vote does not pass unless we get a majority of all voting members, not just those who cast a vote.

 The automatic announcement will appear within a few minutes. The ballot will run from today (August 21), 23:45 UTC, to one week from now, August 28, 23:45 UTC.


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