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Subject: RE: [sca-assembly-testing] Agenda for SCA Assembly Test subcommittee conference call, 7th January 2008

      I've completed the TA's for section 4 as best as I can and they're in the attached document.
I think most are OK, but ASM-TA-0018 for [ASM40009] is almost certainly no good. I can't figure out if this should actually be on a <componentType/>, an <implementation/>, a <component/>, or indeed all of these and more.
I also think that to actually do this test we would probably need to specify each of the (5) different ways the default values can be specified, as described in the Component Property section (starting line 921 - "5.4 Property")
I've also made a few notes while reviewing the TA's that I've also attached.
Best Regards,

Eric Wells.
Consulting Engineer.
Hitachi Computer Products (America) Inc.
San Francisco, CA. USA.
+1 (415) 656-4346

From: Mike Edwards [mailto:mike_edwards@uk.ibm.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 3:49 PM
To: OASIS Assembly Test
Cc: sca-assembly-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [sca-assembly-testing] Agenda for SCA Assembly Test subcommittee conference call, 7th January 2008


The agenda for the Test Subcommittee call follows:

1. Roll Call
2. Appointment of scribe
3. Agenda bashing

4. Action items
20081217-01: (Mike E) Email to the list asking for volunteers for the other sections.

5. Progress on the Test Assertions


Request for volunteers to work on other sections of the specification

6. Progress on Testcases


See also:

7. Adjourn

Callin details and URL for the chatroom are posted here:


Yours,  Mike.

Strategist - Emerging Technologies, SCA & SDO.
Co Chair OASIS SCA Assembly TC.
IBM Hursley Park, Mail Point 146, Winchester, SO21 2JN, Great Britain.
Phone & FAX: +44-1962-818014    Mobile: +44-7802-467431  
Email:  mike_edwards@uk.ibm.com

Unless stated otherwise above:
IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 741598.
Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU

Based on SCA Assembly specification 1.1 CD01 rev7 (MS Word document)

1) The <property/> element of a <componentType/> has attributes...

    one of (1..1):
      type:    QName - the type of the property defined as the
               qualified name of an XML schema type.  The value
               of the property @type attribute MUST be the QName
               of an XML schema type. [ASM40007]

      element: QName - the type of the property defined as the
               qualified name of an XML schema global element –
               the type is the type of the global element.
               The value of the property @element attribute MUST
               be the QName of an XSD global element. [ASM40008]

(Lines 389 - 396)

There is no corresponding RFC2119 text to state only one of these attributes should be given and no corresponding conformance statement. (See also (4) below).

2) Can "targets" of test assertions be attributes or other artifacts?
It is not clear if a targets must be <elements/> or if other atrifacts are allowed. (The SCA runtime is identified as a possible target, but in this case it is not clear how it should be identified. Is "SCA Runtime" sufficient (E.g. ASM-TA-0015, [ASM40006])? 
I have assumed that targets can be any type of artifact.

3) How should the "tags" field of a test assertion be used?
In the example(s) given it seem that tags are given as whitespace separated keywords eclosed in double-quotes. However are each of the keywords intended to be used individually or is the whole of the quoted text intended as a single keyword? The examples are confusing as some test asserions have two sets of quoted keywords. (E.g ASM-TA-0010 [ASM50009])
Another way of putting this would be: is the intent of the tags to "subset" the test assertions from one section only or to allow "related" test assertions from multiple sections to be grouped together? (E.G. 'Only "service" assertions from the "component" section', verses 'All "service" related asserions from every section')
I have assumed each keyword would be used individually.

4) Are test assertions needed for non-RFC2119 text?
Some text that is not in RFC2119 format imples mandatory facts about some artifacts. For example, (1) above , or on line 385:

    The property element has the following attributes:
        name : NCName (1..1) - the name of the property.

I assume that the corresponding cardinality, (1..1), will be used to check the schema but do we need to check for other text that has neither a schema check or RFC2119 but still requires a test assertion?


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