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sca-assembly message

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Subject: Amendment to the amendment of today's motion


Here is the text from the chat:

"o the 2 independent runtimes shall pass the Test Suite for SCA Assembly 
as described in the document 'TestCases for the SCA Assembly Model 
Version 1.1 Specification'. The TC shall use the results (expected 
output) of the relevant tests, submitted by the implementer (in any 
form), to verify that the runtime passes the tests."

This + changes to talk about pair-wise (instead of all) implementation 
of normative parts would change Mike's proposal 1 to:

"The Concrete Exit Criteria for the SCA Assembly V1.1 specification are 

o there shall be at least 2 independent SCA runtimes that are compliant 
with each normative portion of the specification as described in Section 
12.2 of the SCA Assembly V1.1 specification

o the 2 independent runtimes shall pass the Test Suite for SCA Assembly 
as described in the document 'TestCases for the SCA Assembly Model 
Version 1.1 Specification'. The TC shall use the results (expected 
output) of the relevant tests, submitted by the implementer (in any 
form), to verify that the runtime passes the tests.


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