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sca-bindings message

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Subject: raw minutes from call 04/10/08

michael beisiegel: Chat room:


Audio conference:

Meeting Number: * 913929 * (press * before and after the digits)

Phone numbers:

Austria = Vienna 026822056419
Belgium = Brussels 022901709
China Toll Free = China North 108007121722, China South 108001201722
Denmark = Copenhagen 32714982
France = Paris 0170994364, Lyon 0426840196, Marseilles 0488915310
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USA Toll Free = 18665289390
USA Toll = 19543344789
Agenda 1. Opening

Roll call
Scribe assignment

Top 10 on the scribe list (full list below):
Michael Beisiegel IBM
Martin Chapman Oracle Corporation
Piotr Przybylski IBM
Khanderao Kand Oracle Corporation
Peter Peshev SAP AG
Ashok Malhotra Oracle Corporation
Sanjay Patil SAP AG
Anish Karmarkar Oracle Corporation
Eric Johnson TIBCO Software Inc.
Michael Rowley BEA Systems, Inc.

Agenda bashing

2. Approval of minutes of SCA-Binding TC meeting of 3rd April


3. Actions

[Simon Nash] Submit an updated proposal for resolution of issue 2.
Need to wait for other issues around conversations to be resolved.
[Editors] Update specs for outcome of ASSEMBLY-55.
[Editors] Add sentence to specs: "Any SCA runtime that claims to support this binding must abide by the requirements of this specification" (done for JMS binding spec and WS binding spec)
[Eric Johnson/Anish Karmarkar] Create a list of most important rules for generating WSDL
Target: 10th April
[Eric Johnson] add comment to issue 28 to clarify whether it affects both JMS and JCA bindings
Target: 10th April
[Simon Nash] Include Ashoks change to issue 19 resolution and coordinate with Mike E, bring this back next week
Target: 10th April

4. Face to Face meeting

Discuss timing/location of next face to face meeting

5. New Issues

Normative reference consistency [Eric Johnson]

What is a "plain name" for a connection factories or activation specs, and how is one distinguished from a JNDI name? [Eric Johnson]

Document the attributes inherited from the base definition provided by SCA Assembly specification. [Eric Johnson]

Correlation property names are odd, and the space of options is not extensible. [Eric Johnson]

Clarify default function selection and data binding behavior [Eric Johnson]

Allow topics anywhere that queues can be used [Eric Johnson]

6. Open Issue Discussion

Open issues with proposed resolutions:

Web Service binding should allow #wsdl.binding with reference targets [Simon Nash] Latest on email:

JMS binding URI should follow JMS IRI scheme submitted to IETF [Simon Holdsworth] Proposal in issue
Current draft location at:

Support for callback and conversation ID-s in bindings
[Peter Peshev] Proposal in issue

Open issues needing discussion:

Is it required that every implementation of binding.ws support the soap intent? [Anish Karmarkar]
No current proposal

JMS bindingType and ordered intent - clarification needed [Peter Peshev]

"Formal" WSDL generation is unclear, ambiguous, and incomplete [Eric Johnson]

7. AOB


michael beisiegel: scribe: Michael Beisiegel
Simon Holdsworth: Thanks for volunteering to scribe Michael
michael beisiegel:
michael beisiegel: topic: agenda bashing
michael beisiegel: no changes to agenda
michael beisiegel: topic: approval of minutes from last meeting
michael beisiegel: no objections, minutes are approved
michael beisiegel: topic: actions
michael beisiegel: action: Create a list of most important rules for generating WSDL
michael beisiegel: ... no progress
michael beisiegel: action: add comment to issue 28 to clarify whether it affects both JMS and JCA bindings
michael beisiegel: ... done
michael beisiegel: topic: face 2 face meeting
michael beisiegel: proposal week of 16th or 23rd of june
michael beisiegel: new proposal week 7th or 14th of July
michael beisiegel: action: Eric Johnson will check whether Tibco can host in Cambridge
michael beisiegel: suggestion have java tue wed and bindings thu fri
michael beisiegel: action: Michael Rowley to rais with java group
michael beisiegel: topic: new issues
michael beisiegel: issue 30
Simon Holdsworth: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-30
michael beisiegel: ok
michael beisiegel: motion: m: Eric Johnson s: Martin C to open issue 30
michael beisiegel: resolution: accepted unanimously
michael beisiegel: issue 31
Simon Holdsworth: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-31
michael beisiegel: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-31
Simon Holdsworth sorry!
michael beisiegel: np
michael beisiegel: motion: m: Eric J s: Piotr P to open issue 31
michael beisiegel: resolution: accepted unanimously
michael beisiegel: issue 32
michael beisiegel: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-32
michael beisiegel: motion: m: Eric J s: Khanderao to open issue 32
michael beisiegel: resolution: accepted unanimously
michael beisiegel: issue 33
michael beisiegel: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-33
michael beisiegel: discussion on whether this is one or several issues
michael beisiegel: motion: m: Eric J s: Khanderao to: open issue 33
michael beisiegel: resolution: accepted unanimously
michael beisiegel: issue 34
michael beisiegel: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-34
michael beisiegel: motion: m: Eric J s: Martin C to: open issue 34
michael beisiegel: resolution: accepted unanimously
michael beisiegel: issue 35
michael beisiegel: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-35
michael beisiegel: discussion should the general term destination be used
michael beisiegel: Mike E: supporting topics req more description in the specification
michael beisiegel: motion: m: Eric J s: Khanderao to open issue 35
michael beisiegel: resolution: accepted unanimously
michael beisiegel: meeting adjourned

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