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Subject: Re: [sca-bindings-comment] ISSUE-97, confusing statement on correlationID in the context of callbacks with JMS binding

Hi Scott,

I have logged this as : http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-97

for the TC to discuss.

-Eric Johnson

Scott Kurz wrote:

Hi, I have a comment on the JMS Binding spec, with respect to what the correlation ID should be set to for callback request messages.

I see:


3       JMS Binding Schema:
·        /binding.jms/@correlationScheme – identifies the correlation scheme used when sending reply or callback messages, default value is “sca:messageID”.

and later:

6.4.2 Invocation of operations on a callback interface
For an SCA service with a JMS binding, when a callback request message is sent the SCA runtime MUST set the JMSReplyTo destination and correlation identifier in the callback request message as defined in sections 6.1 or 6.2 as appropriate for the type of the callback operation invoked [BJM60017].


One could interpret those statements to imply that, with a bidirectional interface, the correlation ID of the request msg in the callback direction should be set to the value of the messageID or correlation ID (depending on setting) of the request message of the forward direction.

This seems conversational in nature, but my understanding is that conversations are not part of this level of OASIS SCA specs.

Should this text be corrected? Or is this an exception to the move away from conversations that is still really intended to be here?

The 6.4.2 wording is confusing in any case as 6.1, 6.2 only specify how to set response message correlation IDs... not request message correlation IDs.

Thank you,

Scott Kurz

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