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Subject: Test assertion - BWS-TA-40005 - is there some real meaning here?


I've pondered test assertion BWS-TA-40005 in trying to think of some suitable testcase for it.

So far, I've failed.

Perhaps someone could propose some effective meaning that would be testable.

The problem I see here is:

a) For a reference, the most that is needed is an interface definition and a <binding.ws/> element that has a
target service endpoint defined.  In principle, nothing else is known about the target service.

So I suppose that any runtime must make a choice about the web services binding it is going to employ in this case.

The spec says that it should use SOAP 1.1 / HTTP with doc/lit or rpc/lit in these circumstances.

b) For a service, nothing is required beyond the binding.ws element.  

Again, the spec says that the service should use SOAP 1.1 / HTTP with doc/lit or rpc/lit

In reality, doc/lit vs rpc/lit can be fixed in the interface declared on the service (I use doc/lit wrapped almost exclusively in
the testcases).

So, I suppose SOAP 1.1 / HTTP with doc/lit is in reality pervasive in the testcases, both for services and for references,
other than those cases where the testcases deliberately test out other combinations such as rpc/lit or SOAP 1.2.  In that
sense, the whole testcase suite will fail if BWS-TA-40005 is not honoured.

So I can argue that no testcase is needed - either we can't devise one or looking at it the other way, there are already
a load of testcases that assume it as a matter of course....


Yours,  Mike.

Strategist - Emerging Technologies, SCA & SDO.
Co Chair OASIS SCA Assembly TC.
IBM Hursley Park, Mail Point 146, Winchester, SO21 2JN, Great Britain.
Phone & FAX: +44-1962-818014    Mobile: +44-7802-467431  
Email:  mike_edwards@uk.ibm.com

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