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sca-bindings message

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Subject: Raw chat log

Raw chat log:

Simon Holdsworth: Audio conference:

Meeting Number: * 913929 * (press * before and after the digits)

Phone numbers:

Austria = Vienna 026822056419
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Simon Holdsworth: Agenda
Simon Holdsworth: 1. Opening

Roll call

Scribe assignment

Top of the scribe list:
Plamen Pavlov SAP AG
Martin Chapman Oracle Corporation
Anish Karmarkar Oracle Corporation
Tom Rutt Fujitsu Limited
Ashok Malhotra Oracle Corporation
Bryan Aupperle IBM
Laurent Domenech TIBCO Software Inc.
Eric Johnson TIBCO Software Inc.
David Booz IBM
Agenda bashing

2. Approval of the minutes from 1 July:


3. Actions

20090211-4 [General] Write up HTTP binding use cases

4. New Issues

typos in BWS_2007, BWS_2008, BWS_2009, BWS_4007, BWS_4008

a few more WS otest typos

5. Open issue discussion

BINDINGS-130: Testing experience suggests requirements BWS40002 & BWS40003are too strict for services
Proposal is in JIRA

JMS Default wire format insufficient to cover real world usage
Raiser: Mike Edwards, owner: Simon Holdsworth
Priority: 3 (deferred)
Status: outline proposal in issue

6. AOB
Eric Johnson: Scribe: Eric
Eric Johnson: Topic: Bryan's leave of absence
Eric Johnson: Mike: We did discuss it.
Eric Johnson: ... but we couldn't change the system.
Eric Johnson: Simon: Got a recommendation from TC admin that someone be identified as a secretary, and they would then be able to make changes.
Eric Johnson: (Stragglers joined, now 70% quorate)
Eric Johnson: Topic: Agenda review
Eric Johnson: Eric: I suggest a brief discussion on the JMS URI scheme.
Eric Johnson: Simon: Thanks to those who stepped in during my absence.
Eric Johnson: Topic: Approval of the minutes
Eric Johnson: No comments on the prior minutes, no objections to approving the minutes, minutes are approved.
Eric Johnson: Topic: Actions
Eric Johnson: No progress
Eric Johnson: Topic: New issues
Eric Johnson: Subtopic: BINDINGS-131
Eric Johnson: Mike: 131 & 132 almost go together.  I've noticed that none of these issues affect the documents that we've voted on.
Eric Johnson: ... bunch of test cases where Tuscany had errors, so we couldn't run all the test cases.  Once those Tuscany problems were fixed, that revealed the problems in the tests.
Eric Johnson: Mike moves to open BINDINGS-131, Anish 2nds.
Eric Johnson: No discussion, no objections to unanimous consent.  Motion passes, issue is opened.
Eric Johnson: Mike: 132 is very much the same.
Eric Johnson: Mike moves to open BINDINGS-132, Anish 2nds.
Eric Johnson: No discussion, no objections to unanimous consent.  Motion passes, BINDINGS-132 is opened.
Eric Johnson: Mike: Can we go back and accept the proposals?
Eric Johnson: Simon: OK
Eric Johnson: Mike: These are all already corrected in Subversion.
Eric Johnson: Mike moves to resolve BINDINGS-131 as proposed in JIRA, 2nd by Anish.
Eric Johnson: No discussion, no objections to unanimous consent.  Motion passes and the issue is resolved.
Eric Johnson: Simon: BINDINGS-132
Eric Johnson: Mike moves to resolve BINDINGS-132 as proposed in JIRA, 2nd by Anish.
Eric Johnson: No discussion, no objections to unanimous consent.  Motion passes and the issue is resolved.
Eric Johnson: Topic: JMS URI
Eric Johnson: Eric: Planning to go ahead with provisional registration.
Eric Johnson: Anish: Will we have a URL that we can use from our spec that will never change?
Eric Johnson: Eric: Honestly don't know.  It would seem that we will be able to do this, but it is not clear.  At least some of the current provisional registration
Eric Johnson: Ashok: What were the general concerns?
Eric Johnson: Eric: Some confusion about the draft as proposed, and some licensing concerns around the JMS spec itself.
Eric Johnson: Simon: Anything else?
Eric Johnson: Eric: If you're aware of any "jms" URI schemes that are *not* of the one from the proposed draft, please send them along.
Eric Johnson: Topic: Open issues
Eric Johnson: Mike: I'm of a mood to move to close this issue with no action.  There was discussion on the mailing list as to how to actually solve this, and that part of the problem has been solved.
Eric Johnson: ... Other part of the question is whether or not the notion of restricting to a specific version of SOAP make sense - but perhaps for the Policy TC that defined those intents.
Eric Johnson: Ashok: It is not the policy TC - we only added the intents because somebody, possibly the bindings TC, told us to.  It isn't the policy TC to figure out whether we should be allowing SOAP 1.1/SOAP 1.2 or whatever.  It is for bindings people to say.
Eric Johnson: ... Once we figure that out, we can change the intents.
Eric Johnson: Anish: Minus the concern about being "liberal in what you accept", I'm fine with closing with no action, because the technical problem seems to have been resolved.
Eric Johnson: ... Does the version specific intent make sense?
Simon Holdsworth: ping
anish: pong
Mike Edwards: ping
Eric Johnson: Anish: What will a service reasonably do?  If I want to restrict to SOAP 1.1 or 1.2?  I have a choice to specify a binding.
Eric Johnson: ... Is there a coding issue where specific capabilities of 1.1 or 1.2 are needed?  At an abstract level, there don't appear to be differences.
Eric Johnson: ... yes, there are differences.  But I haven't seen anyone depending on specific features, and people go out of their way to map what they do to both SOAP 1.1 & SOAP 1.2.
Eric Johnson: ... Motivation to specify a 1.1 or 1.2 intent is really low, or non-existent.  On the reference side, might there be a need for the intent?
Eric Johnson: ... But I cannot think of a practical use case where someone cares about the SOAP version.
Eric Johnson: ... Realize that this is late in the game to consider removing the SOAP.1_1 /1_2 intents.
Eric Johnson: Mike: I'm happy to leave the intents in. In a more closed environment, someone might want to say "I only want SOAP 1.2".
Eric Johnson: ... Our intents give them a way to say that.
Eric Johnson: Anish: Couldn't they do that by simply specifying a binding?
Eric Johnson: Simon: Core of the issue - for a service, should we treat receipt of a SOAP message of the wrong version as an error?
Eric Johnson: Anish: Well, no - different question - does it even make sense to qualify SOAP version?
Eric Johnson: Mike: Happy to leave the intents as they are.  So I'll move to close BINDINGS-130 with no action.
Eric Johnson: Mike moves to close BINDINGS-130 with no action, Anish 2nds.
Eric Johnson: Anish: Curious as to whether we should pursue just dropping these intents.
Eric Johnson: Tom: People who know what they're doing won't use these, right?
Eric Johnson: Anish: People start using features if they're there.
Eric Johnson: ... Takes away the argument about robustness principle.
Eric Johnson: Tom: How about putting some kind of note in the policy spec about violating the robustness principle.
Eric Johnson: Anish: I suppose we could advise that you should only use these intents if you use a feature of a specific version of SOAP that doesn't exist in the other.
Eric Johnson: Ashok: The policy spec doesn't have this kind of comment at the moment.
Eric Johnson: Anish: I understand, but it makes sense to provide advice.
Eric Johnson: ... tools might use this to signal how things are generated, but that seems like a misuse.
Eric Johnson: Ashok: Tools will use qualified form, but Anish, you're recommending that they use the unqualified form.
Eric Johnson: Simon: We have a motion on the table.
Eric Johnson: Eric: Doesn't matter to me if we just close it, because we'll just recommend to our customers that you don't qualify your SOAP intent.
Eric Johnson: No objections to the motion.  BINDINGS-130 closed with no action.
Eric Johnson: Meeting adjourned.\

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