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sca-bindings message

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Subject: Use cases for HTTP binding

I agreed to an action item to write up, with respect to the potential HTTP binding, the two use-cases I discussed in the conference call.  So here goes.

Exploit an existing HTTP-based service that has XML-based result.  More specifically, a JAX-WS or Ruby-On-Rails service, wherein the URLs for the service are reasonably predictable.  Map that to a set of operations mapped to messages being exchanged
  • "Parameters" to request data are simple strings
  • Every "read" request needed can be mapped to an HTTP GET
  • WSDL portType is described with a small flat set of parameters on input and a single XML element upon return
  • Certain HTTP status codes can be mapped to application level faults
  • Authentication/authorization credentials are supplied at deployment, and/or TLS with bi-directional certification validation might be required.

What happens:
In binding the portType to an HTTP GET request, the child elements of the request operation get mapped to parameters on the URL.  Default mapping is element local name to parameter name.  Binding needs to specify a URL with substitution points.
Root element of response document is the response element for the result.

In case of an HTTP error code, where specified, a fault is mimicked for "replies."
Invocations of the "reference" operation return the XML results mapped to the language mapping of said data structure

Stateful "monitor" of an service providing 1 or more atom feeds, supporting three operations "getNewEntriesForFeedFoo", "getLastNEntriesForFeedFoo", "getContentForFoo" - per Atom feed.
Service that offers up one or more atom feeds
Atom feeds are changing slowly enough that polling for data at lazy intervals (1 - 60 minutes) is sufficient
Customer has a name for each URL.  Operations in the interface follow a known pattern like getNewEntriesForFeedFoo
Customer has particular data that they're interested in from each feed, such as author, modification date, ID, other metadata
What happens
A service requests an update from a specific specific feed by calling getNewEntriesForFeedFoo (where "Foo" changes per feed)
Returns a list of new entries, the list of the last N entries requested, or the content for the particular entry.

Note, for this last case, it would be much more natural to define the interface with "interface.atom", wherein the relevant metadata would be flagged for each feed, and the content of the root element of a feed entry was established.  This would follow known mapping rules to map to a WSDL expression of the same, if that was required.  Then again, I filed an issue for letting Assembly allow non-WSDL interface descriptions for a reason....

On the service side, the one use-case I can think of is URL addressability of read-only service information.  This is essentially the reverse of the first use-case described above, with one additional caveat.  It may be desirable to map to multiple URLs (.xml, .rdf, .xhtml, .txt), so for the service side of this binding a natural thing, I think would be to specify an XSLT file correlated with a particular MIME type.  In the XML case, that might be added as a XSL processing instruction.

None of these use-cases gets at all close to REST, but they seem like the might be useful in the abstract.  I've not got specific customer needs that are driving these ideas.


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