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Subject: Proposal for exit cirteria for SCA Bindings TC specifications


Following the agreement of the Assembly TC on wording for their exit criteria, here is my proposal for the exit criteria for the Bindings TC specifications.  JMS is straightforward; for web services I think we have to have 3 separate statements about implementations for the SCA runtine, WSCB Service and WSCB Client as these are independent conformance targets.  Note that based on the Assembly exit criteria, these apply to specification documents, not the TC as a whole.  One further question I had is whether we need to say anything about JCA or HTTP bindings, to clarify that these are out of scope for 1.1?   I suppose in theory the TC could decide to release a 1.1 version of these bindings at a later date.

Here's the proposed text:

The Concrete Exit Criteria for the SCA JMS Binding V1.1 specification are that there shall be at least 2 independent SCA runtimes each of which are compliant with all normative portions of the specification as described in Section 8.2 of the SCA JMS Binding V1.1 specification.

The Concrete Exit Criteria for the SCA Web Service Binding V1.1 specification are that there shall be all of the following:
Here I have used the phrase "that apply to" to mean "that have as their conformance target", I don't mind either wording.

Regards, Simon

Simon Holdsworth

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