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Subject: [sca-bpel] Unformatted Minutes of 2009-11-05 TC Call

(See attached file: 2009-11-05.txt)

Kind Regards

Dieter König

Senior Technical Staff Member, WebSphere Process Server Architect
IBM Software Group, Application and Integration Middleware Software
WSS Business Process Solutions
  Phone:            +49-7031-16-3426           IBM Deutschland                      (Embedded
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                                                                                     to file:
  E-Mail:           dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com    Schönaicher Str. 220  
                                               71032 Böblingen       
  IBM Deutschland                                                      
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  Vorsitzender des                                                     
  Martin Jetter                                                        
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  Stuttgart, HRB                                                       
[16:55] Room information was updated by: Sanjay


Meeting ID: 6100473
Meeting password: SCABPEL (7222735)

[16:55] Sanjay: Agenda:
1. Roll Call

2. Appointment of scribe
Scribe list attached below

3. Agenda bashing

4. Approval of 2009-10-29 minutes

5. Review of Action Items
#0109 Mike Edwards  Send instructions for running the Assembly tests
#0111 Najeeb  Create a TA for the new statement added for resolving issue-56
#0112 Najeeb  Create a TA for 2004.1
#0113 Anish  look into issue 46
#0114 Anish  create a proposal for issue 57
#0115 Mike Edwards  Prepare an updated version of the proposal for issue 58 (rewriting section 2.1.1 to remove the nested-if)
#0116 Anish  provide an exact proposal for issue 59

6. Testing
MikeE to send instructions for running the tests
Here is a rough break up of work for creating the test cases. More volunteers are appreciated.
Sanjay: SBL-TA-1001 to SBL-TA-2018
Anish : SBL-TA-3001 to SBL-TA-3026

7. Issue Discussion

a) Issue 46 - SBPEL3006 isn't deterministic
Proposal from Anish: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200911/msg00006.html

b) Issue 57 - No initialization mechanism specified for the variable with sca-bpel:multiReferen
No proposal -- need a volunteer
Proposal from Anish: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200911/msg00007.html

c) Issue 58 - Need to add Capability to indicate that a PartnerLink should be ignored when introspecting the ComponentType of a BPEL process
Email discussion: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200909/msg00016.html
Awaiting a new proposal from MikeE based on 2009-10-29 concall discussions

d) Issue 59 - How does a SCA Extended WS-BPEL Runtime deal with a non-conformant BPEL process?
Outline of a proposal in Jira
Proposal from Anish: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200911/msg00008.html

e) Issue 50 - Need more examples in the specification
no proposal (deferred)

8. AOB

Scribe list:
* Kand, Khanderao (Last scribed: 2009-07-23): 6
* van der Rijn, Danny (Last scribed: 9/3/9): 11
* Koenig, Mr Dieter (Last scribed: 9/17/09): 12
* Rowley, Mr Michael (Last scribed: 2009-08-06): 8
* Malhotra, Mr Ashok (Last scribed: 2009-10-01): 13
* Andrabi, Mr. Najeeb (Last scribed: 2009-10-0: 12
* Anish Karmarkar (Last scribed: 2009-10-15): 2
* Chapman, Dr Martin (Last scribed: 10/22/09): 10
* Edwards, Mike (Last scribed: 10/29/09): 1

[17:04] anish: Agenda: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200911/msg00009.html
[17:04] anish: Chair: Sanjay Patil
[17:04] anish: Date: 2009-11-05
[17:06] anish: Scribe: Dieter Koenig
[17:06] anish: ScribeNick: Dieter Koenig

[17:07] Dieter Koenig: 3. Agenda bashing
[17:07] Dieter Koenig: Agenda accepted w/o objection

[17:07] Dieter Koenig: 4. Approval of 2009-10-29 minutes
[17:07] Dieter Koenig: Minutes accepted w/o objection
[17:07] anish: Resolution: minutes of 2009-10-29 located at http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200911/msg00004.html accepted

[17:07] Dieter Koenig: 5. Review of Action Items
#0109 Mike Edwards  Send instructions for running the Assembly tests
#0111 Najeeb  Create a TA for the new statement added for resolving issue-56
#0112 Najeeb  Create a TA for 2004.1
#0113 Anish  look into issue 46
#0114 Anish  create a proposal for issue 57
#0115 Mike Edwards  Prepare an updated version of the proposal for issue 58 (rewriting section 2.1.1 to remove the nested-if)
#0116 Anish  provide an exact proposal for issue 59
[17:08] Dieter Koenig: #0111 and #0112 are done
[17:09] Dieter Koenig: #0113 and #0114 are done - proposals submitted
[17:09] Dieter Koenig: #0116 done - proposal submitted

[17:09] Dieter Koenig: 6. Testing
MikeE to send instructions for running the tests
Here is a rough break up of work for creating the test cases. More volunteers are appreciated.
Sanjay: SBL-TA-1001 to SBL-TA-2018
Anish : SBL-TA-3001 to SBL-TA-3026
[17:10] Dieter Koenig: No update from Sanjay and Anish

[17:10] Dieter Koenig: 7. Issue Discussion

[17:10] Dieter Koenig: a) Issue 46 - SBPEL3006 isn't deterministic
Proposal from Anish: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200911/msg00006.html
[17:10] Mike Edwards: I am on the call now
[17:13] Dieter Koenig: Mike E.: agree with the issue 46 proposal
[17:15] Dieter Koenig: Motion (Anish), 2nd (Mike E.): close issue 46 with no action
[17:15] Dieter Koenig: Motion accepted w/o objection - issue 46 closed with no action

[17:15] Dieter Koenig: b) Issue 57 - No initialization mechanism specified for the variable with sca-bpel:multiReferen
No proposal -- need a volunteer
Proposal from Anish: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200911/msg00007.html
[17:18] Dieter Koenig: Najeeb: agree
[17:24] Dieter Koenig: Mike E.: need to address the 0..1 case as well
[17:26] anish: An optional reference (0..1) is initialized by sca runtime using the sca wiring endpoint reference for the target of the reference.
[17:26] anish: s/by sca/by the sca/
[17:27] Dieter Koenig: service invocation may result in a bpel:uninitializedPartnerRole standard fault
[17:30] anish: this discussion is very good, but i do think that this is beyond the scope of the current issue and we should open a new one (this is not to say that we should stop the current discussion)
[17:32] Dieter Koenig: WS-BPEL 2.0: "An attempt during process execution to read a partner link before its partnerRole EPR is initialized MUST result in the bpel:uninitializedPartnerRole standard fault."
[17:33] Dieter Koenig: ... "Partner roles of partner links are read when they are referenced in an <invoke> or the <from> part of a <copy> in an <assign> activity."
[17:45] Dieter Koenig: Anish: the (0..1) case seems to be a separate issue
[17:48] Dieter Koenig: It seems that the (0..1) case is addressed in issue http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BPEL-53
[17:51] Martin C: id it just me or did the call just drop?
[17:51] Martin C: is...
[17:52] Dieter Koenig: maybe just you
[17:52] Martin C: just maybe
[17:52] Dieter Koenig: the call is still running 
[17:54] Martin C: i need to run to my F2F meeting, talk next week
[17:55] anish bye
[17:57] anish i think we can deal with Mike's issue under 53
[17:57] anish Mike filed 53 
[17:58] Dieter Koenig: Motion (Anish), 2nd (Mike E.): close issue 57 with no action
[17:59] Dieter Koenig: Motion accepted w/o objection - issue 57 closed with no action
[18:00] anish: Resolution: Issue 57 closed with no action

[18:00] Dieter Koenig: New action item (Danny): proposal for the 0..1 case (issue 53)
[18:00] anish: ACTION: Danny to file a new issue regarding idempotency regd initialization in BPEL

[18:00] Dieter Koenig: Meeting adjourned


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