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Subject: Priority of bugs/features in Tuscany


The chairs had taken an AI to investigate the bugs/lack of features in 
Tuscany and prioritize them. Sanjay and I did that last friday and below 
is our assessment. The prioritization is based on how many TAs/Test 
would the bug/feature block and/or importance of that feature/bug.

i> Support for multiReference extension: 
(feature not supported)

Priority 1

ii> Reference generation - 
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/201004/msg00019.html (bug)

Priority 2

iii> Support for wiredByImpl - 
(feature not supported)

Priority 3

iv> Support for configuring a partnerLink that maps to an SCA Service 
and has initializePartnerRole="yes" (see SBL-TA-2011 test assertion) (bug)

Priority 2

v> Support for sca-bpel:ignore attribute (feature not supported)

Priority 3

vi> Does the SCA BPEL runtime support configuration for callback 
interfaces? (bug)

Priority 1



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