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sca-c-cpp message

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Subject: Recommendation on Conformance Targets and RFC 2119 Wording from OASIS SCALiaison subcommittee

As I suggested was likely to be the case, the SCA liaison subcommittee has agreed to the following recommendation about conformance targets and RFC 2119 keywords.

"Conformance targets can be categorized into
1) document artifacts (or constructs within them) that can be checked statically.

2) SCA runtimes, which we may require to exhibit certain behaviors.

We recommend that each TC write its specifications to:

1. Reword the specifications using RFC 2119 keywords.

2. For each appearance of a 2119 keyword, specify the document, construct or runtime behavior that is being constrained."

As we discussed, this is consistent with the work we have been doing.

Bryan Aupperle, Ph.D.
STSM, WebSphere Enterprise Platform Software Solution Architect
Master Inventor

Research Triangle Park,  NC
+1 919-254-7508 (T/L 444-7508)
Internet Address: aupperle@us.ibm.com

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