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Subject: Re: [sca-j] ISSUE-167: SCA Spring C & I specification should make typeattribute as optional for <sca:service/> element


Dave Booz
STSM, BPM and SCA Architecture
Co-Chair OASIS SCA-Policy TC and SCA-J TC
"Distributed objects first, then world hunger"
Poughkeepsie, NY (845)-435-6093 or 8-295-6093

Inactive hide details for Ramkumar R1 ---06/24/2009 08:13:02 AM---Raiser:   Ramkumar Ramalingam Target:  SCA Spring C&IRamkumar R1 ---06/24/2009 08:13:02 AM---Raiser: Ramkumar Ramalingam Target: SCA Spring C&I


Ramkumar R1 <ramkumar_rj@in.ibm.com>




06/24/2009 08:13 AM


[sca-j] NEW ISSUE: SCA Spring C & I specification should make type attribute as optional for <sca:service/> element

Raiser: Ramkumar Ramalingam

SCA Spring C&I


The SCA Spring Client and Implementation specification should make the type attribute as optional for the <sca:service/> element in the SCA Spring Extension Schema.

Lets assume a scenario where the existing spring application is used as a SCA component, in such cases its possible to have spring beans that do not have any implemented interfaces. So when the user wants to explicitly expose a particular spring bean (which does not implement any interface) as sca service using <sca:service/> element by just modifying the spring context xml file, then the current <sca:service/> element does not allow the user to do the same, as it mandates to specify the interface implemented by the bean as value for its required type attribute.


For Java implementations, in absence of annotations, the impl class is used as the interface (§ of the OSOA Java Impl spec).

Similarly in this case, the SCA Spring C&I specs should make the "type" attribute as optional for the <sca:service/> element,

and allow the users to expose a bean without any implemented interface as service, by assuming that the impl class to be used as interface for the service.

Thanks & Regards,

R Ramkumar
Open Source SOA Development - Apache Tuscany
Phone : 91-80-41927623
Email : ramkumar_rj@in.ibm.com

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