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sca-policy-comment message

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Subject: Block Intent Inheritance

Bullet 4 in section 4.12.1 says that to calculate the required intent 
set for an element "add any intents found in the @requires attributes of 
each ancestor element in the element's structural hierarchy."  This 
means, for example that any intents attached to a component apply to all 
its services and references.  Thus, if 'confidentiality' specified at 
the component level, 'confidentiality' applies to all its services and 

But this may not be what is always desired.  A shopping site may wants 
all its ordering and billing messages encrypted but there may not be any 
need to encrypt its search messages.  Of course, the confidentiality
intent can be applied to individual services/references to cover this 
usecase but we may also want to add the ability to control inheritance.  
For example at the higher level we may want to say "this applies to all 
descendants except ...."  or on an element we may want to say "this 
element does not inherit from its ancestors ".
All the best, Ashok

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