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sca-policy message

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Subject: NEW ISSUE: Policy algorithm gets required intents from what interfaces definitions/declarations?

RAISER: Michael Rowley


TARGET: SCA Policy Framework Specification (CD01)




In section 4.10, step A has the following text:


A. Calculate the required intent set that applies to the target element as follows:

1.    Start with the list of intents specified in the element's @requires attribute.

2.    Add intents found in any related interface definition.


Step A2 here isn’t clear and we may also want to allow for intents to come from interface _declarations_ in addition to interface definitions.


There seems to be 4 possible sources of intents for interfaces:

1. The interface definition file (e.g. Java or WSDL) that is referenced from the component type.

2. The interface declaration for a service in the component type (i.e. <interface.java requires=”...”/>)

3. The interface definition file (e.g. Java or WSDL) that is reference from the component.

4. The interface declaration in a component (i.e. component/service/interface).


I believe that #3 from the above is new, based on the resolution of ASSEMBLY-39.








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