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sca-policy message

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Subject: Spec schedule change

The Open CSA Liason TC would like to change the schedule for release of the Policy FW spec. It is not a drastic change from our current schedule. As a reminder, the old schedule has us going to public review draft on Feb 23, 2009. The new schedule asks us to deliver 1 week earlier to align with Assembly (see below).

After a review and discussion within the various TCs, it turns out that nearly all of the other TC's specs depend on policy. Therefore, it would make sense to try to deliver Policy and Assembly on the same date, allowing the other TCs time to react (if necessary) and go public soon afterward. Here is the new proposed schedule:

Feb 16th - Assembly and Policy PR drafts ready for review by TC members
Feb 23rd - Policy votes to accept draft as PR document
Feb 24th - Assembly votes to accept draft as PR document

FYI, the other TC's specs would lag this schedule by two weeks.

I have tentatively agreed to this schedule on behalf of the Policy TC. Please respond with any concerns.

Dave Booz
STSM, BPM and SCA Architecture
Co-Chair OASIS SCA-Policy TC and SCA-J TC
"Distributed objects first, then world hunger"
Poughkeepsie, NY (845)-435-6093 or 8-295-6093

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