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Subject: NEW ISSUE: Testcase bugs blocking compliance

TARGET: SCA Policy FW Testcases CD01

Some of the testcases in the test suite have errors which prevent the
successful execution of the tests on a compliant runtime.  Some of the
errors are simple, a few are more complex.  Following is the list of issues
found and resolutions.

1) testcase POL_4001
POL_4001_TestCase.java incorrectly requires the contribution for POL_4003.
It should require it's own contribution.

2) testcase POL_4013
Test_POL_4013.composite has a typo in the binding.ws declaration.  There is
a '/' after binding.ws, and it is missing the namespace prefix in the
@attachTo of the policySet.

3) testcase POL_4020
The client invocation component is missing the ws binding declaration.  The
client program has the wrong expected result.

4) testcase POL_4028
The @attachTo in the policySet declaration is missing namespace qualifiers
for sca element references.

5) testcases POL_4001, 4003, 4010, 4016 and 4018 all use the IntentRefs
XPath function, but reference it incorrrectly with leading '//'.

6) testcase POL_40007 specifies two mutually exclusive intents at the
composite level which causes them to be attached to both components in the
composite.  Since there are no policySets attached to the client invocation
component, the composite is invalid.  Upon fixing this problem, it was
discovered that the structure of the intents also did not precisely match
the test assertion. The test is supposed to verify that mux intents higher
in the structural hierarchy are ignored. The original coding of the
testcase did not create that mutually exclusive situation.

7) testcase POL_4003
The client invocation component was missing a required intent which
resulted in policySet mismatches.  Also the Client program had the wrong
expected result.

8) testcase POL_4008
One of the intents was attached at the composite level which results in it
applying to the client invocation component. This was not the intention of
the testcase.  Similar to problem in POL_4007.

9) testcase POL_3001
This test used the HTTP binding in a WSDL to create a clash between intents
and binding configuration.  Later, it was realized that not all runtimes
support the HTTP binding nor could we find any evidence of requirements for
it in WSDL itself nor WS-I.

10) testcases POL 9019, 9020, 9021, 9022 and 9023 were never included in
the maven build and were never included in the AllTests.java driver

11) testcase 11001 erroneously uses the noListener intent.

12) testcase POL_9006 needs a policySet to satisfy the transaction intent

13) testcase POL_4019 reference to sca XML element in @attachTo XPath
expression needs a namespace prefix.

1) update POL_4001_TestCase.java as follows
config.contributionNames = new String[] { "POL_4001" , "Policy_General" ,
"Policy_General" + _Lang };

2) update Test_POL_4013.composite
<binding.ws requires="test:testIntent3"/>
and update definitions.xml
<policySet name="PolicySetExtAttach" provides="test:testIntent3"
appliesTo="//binding.ws" attachTo="//sca:binding.ws">

3) update Test_POL_4020.composite by adding <binding.ws/>
update POL_4020_TestCase.java with the right expected result
config.output[0] = "POL_4020 request service1 operation1 invoked";

4) update definitions.xml in POL_4028
<policySet name="PolicySetExtAttachProp" provides="test:testIntent3"
appliesTo="//binding.ws" attachTo='//sca:component

5) update definitions.xml in POL_4001, 4003, 4010, 4016 and 4018 by
removing the '//' before IntentRefs usages.

6) update definitions.xml to name the mutually exclusive intent
<intent name="LowIntentMux" constrains="sca:binding"
intentType="interaction" excludes="test:LowIntent" />

 update Test_POL_4007.composite to move the intents to
<component name="TEST_POL_4007Component1" requires="test:HighIntent
test:LowIntentMux" >

7) update client invocation component reference
<reference name="reference1" target="TEST_POL_4003Component1"
requires="test:testIntentExt" />

update client program
config.output[0] = "POL_4003 request service1 operation1 invoked";

8) update definitions.xml so that policySet provides the non-default
<policySet name="HighAndLowPolicySet" provides="test:LowIntent
test:HighIntent.qual2" appliesTo="//service"

update test_POL_4008.composite to move the intent to the component under
<component name="TEST_POL_4008Component1" requires="test:HighIntent.qual2"

9) Change the test case approach to create the binding config and intent
conflict by using SOAP versions.
update service1.wsdl to remove the HTTP binding and add a SOAP1.2 binding.
update Test_POL_3001.composite to require SOAP.v1_1 while pointing at the
SOAP 1.2 WSDL binding.
<binding.ws requires="SOAP.v1_1"

10) Update the maven pom file to add testcases POL_9019, 9020, 9021,9022
and 9023
update the AllTests.java program to add POL_9019, 9020, 9021,9022 and 9023

11) Remove the noListener intent

12) Add a definitions.xml file with a policySet that provides the
transactedOneWay intent and that attaches externally to the testcase.  Also
update Test_POL_9006.composite to attach the new policySet directly.

13) Update definitions.xml for POL_4019
<policySet name="BothIntents" provides="test:BindingIntent
test:ServiceIntent" appliesTo="//binding.ws" attachTo="//sca:service

Dave Booz
STSM, BPM and SCA Architecture
Co-Chair OASIS SCA-Policy TC and SCA-J TC
"Distributed objects first, then world hunger"
Poughkeepsie, NY (845)-435-6093  or  8-295-6093

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