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Subject: RE: [security-bindings] soap bindings edits


Thanx for your comments.

>>63-64, SOAP *requires* XML namespace.  It's not just that 
>>"some parsers"
>>need it, it's that SOAP itself requires it.

This is a recommendation that SAML elements be used
with full namespace qualification. Based on previous
discussion, this comment is not very helpful and I will remove
it from the text.

>>124-125, authentication need not be based on the underlying transport;
>>cf the W3C note on "Signed soap" and the recent IETF I-D on digest and
>>basic auth for soap (draft-cunnings-salz-soap-auth).

Indeed, there are very many new and exciting security models
proposed for XML messaging. It is not a task for the SAML
SOAP binding to investigate or work with these models. Instead,
our task is to call out a minimum set of standard 
(basic auth, SSL certs) and
widely deployed security models for SOAP/HTTP

>>Because of this, I believe lines 78-79, additional SOAP 
>>header elements
>>are not allowed, are incorrect.
>>	/r$

You have a misunderstanding here. We are merely stating that
a compliant receiver
 of a SAML over SOAP message cannot REQUIRE additional headers
to be present. You are free to add as many headers as you like.

The final docs will definitely include PDF versions.

- prateek

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