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Subject: [security-jc] Example Vocabulary Document

I had an action item to post a portion of the X9F vocabulary document.
This is a living text that is constantly upgraded just before a new standard
or revision goes to ballot.

This version is very old and culled down and converted to PDF just to
provide an illustration for purposes of our SJC discussion. Stil, it is
sort of a big lump.

There are four important sections:

    A. References, where each X9F standard is listed as it would be cited
         in a referencing document.
    B. Definitions, where each term and its meaning are listed along with an
         indication of the X9F standards which define this term. This 
         includes multiple defintions for the same term (see 
    C. Acronyms and Abbreviations
    D. Notations

These may be more or less categories than we need in OASIS SJC work.
I mentioned the usefulness of a list of references taken from the References
sections of our documents.

I would note that we can make notable improvements on this example work.
For one thing, we could put it on the web. For another, we could make 
use of hypertext links.


Attachment: X9 TR1v0900 rev.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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