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Subject: [security-jc] Burton Catalyst Conference


As a follow-up to your meeting I am forwarding some general information
regarding the Burton Conference,
http://www.burtongroup.com/catalyst/catna03/, San Francisco, 9 - 11 July
2003. As I understand the history, some of the founding members of the
SAML TC met at the Burton Conference some years ago and that began our
relationship with Burton. They have a few analysts that are very active
in the security area (Phil Schacter and Jim Kobielus among them). The
SAML group did an Interoperability Demo at the Catalyst Conference last
year and it was incredibly well received, the press was very favorable
Twelve vendors participated at a cost of $500.00 per vendor.  Burton
supplied the room and OASIS coordinated the marketing of the demo. The
vendors worked out all the technical logistics. I know that they would
be receptive to a similar activity.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss further.

Dee Schur
Marketing Support

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