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Subject: Re: Minutes of 1 May 2001 Security Services TC/Focus telecon

Minutes with roll call list of attendees included at bottom

"Eve L. Maler" <eve.maler@east.sun.com> on 05/07/2001 02:20:02 PM

To:   security-services@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject:  Minutes of 1 May 2001 Security Services TC/Focus telecon

Minutes of the OASIS Security Services Technical Committee telecon
and the Focus Subcommittee telecon
1 May 2001

Please note the ACTION items below.  If you see anything that needs
correction, please reply to this message.

- Membership report: new/removed members (Heather)

   New members: Valerie BeauBien, Gavenraj Sodhi.

- Roll call (Heather)

   Attendance list to follow in a separate message, provided by Heather.
   Quorum reached.

- Approval of Joe Pato as the Chair Pro-Tem

   Bob B moved to accept Joe P; Krishna seconded.  Passed.

- Approval of Agenda

   Agenda approved.

- Approval of F2F #2 minutes

   [They had not been sent out at the time of this meeting, so they
   will have to be approved at the 15 May telecon.]

Subcommittee reports
- General Editor's report (Bob)

   Nothing interesting or useful to report.

- Security / Privacy (Jeff)

   Nothing really to report; Jeff has been doing ground work/info
   gathering, expects committee to ramp up over next couple of weeks.

- Conformance (Krishna)

   Slowly gaining momentum. Have received some comments, will make this
   into a doco. Looking at standards to get best practices for
   conformance. Critical issue is "how many cells in the matrix", ie,
   how many classes of conformance? Deliverable is basically an
   assertions markup language - what are we assuming about existence of
   PDP, PEP, etc. Need to look at this on a case-by-case basis, as in
   some cases, we don't care about what is behind the curtain and in
   some we do.

- Bindings (Prateek)

   Prateek is preparing a presentation for group to work through. Will
   to try deal with (relatively) concrete examples of bindings.

- "Focus Group" (Hal?)

   Eve published a synopsis minutes. Spent most of time talking about
   "indexical references" problem. Need to be more precise with term
   "standard industry browsers". Marlena is working on a document
   describing Shibboleth's approach to IRs. Looking to take up "XML
   assertion generality" issue (as discussed at F2F). Do we have one
   sort of assertion with lots of fields, or different assertions
   identified by type codes? Subsequent to meeting, Hal will be chairing
   session management group (Hal will send email to group to solicit

- Issues list (Hal)

   Hal had agreed to take over the use case issues list and turn it into
   general issues list; hoping to get an updated list out in next couple
   of days. There are 6 "hot" issues and an attempt to qualify them

Liaison reports
- DSML (Gavenraj Sodhi)

   No report.

- uPnP (Maryann Hondo)

   No report.


   Krishna volunteered to be our liaison to this group.

- XML Encryption (Jeremy)

Jeremy reported that they are making slow progress (they have just
release a requirements document and they have a very rough draft of a

New spec issues

The TC proper adjourned and the Focus subcommittee telecon began.

Issue list
- Indexical Reference Problem

   The consensus is that there is no alternative in some environments,
   but we need to consider security threats carefully. There were some
   action items around requirements and terminology, but my sense is
   that we are done with this item.  No discussion at this time -
   starting to flog a dead horse on this one.

- MessageMeaning

   This led to general discussion of many undefined, but potentially
   useful definitions of terms. Eve seemed to be the main person who
   wanted to pursue this.  No discussion.

- AuthZ Decision Assertions

   This is still open. Would it be better to discuss a specific design
   proposal or are there general issues that could profitably be

   In some senses this is a core assertions issue that should be
   discussed in terms of a proposal.

   One issue is that people want to be able to define a really stupid
   PEP. One p.o.v. is that PEPs need to return more info, such as info
   on why request allowed/denied, or personalization type data. We
   should look at the Open Group standard as it allows for return
   signatures: yes/no decision with a separate output paramater. One
   issue is that PEP may want to specify additional info or not (ie only
   give me yes/no), PEP may want to qualify answer (such as within scope
   of validity periods, for example). Do we want a validity period of
   assertion vs thing that is asserted? Would like to use validity
   period of assertion with having PEP state additional temporal
   assertions in its own language There is a concern about PDPs that
   return a "yes but" answer: How do we interpret "but"? What if you
   don't know what to do with but? How do we determine to whom we pass
   back additional information, under what circumstances (eg when is
   "you don't have access now, but if you authenticate with "X" and
   conditions "Y" you will have access" okay).

   Reached agreement that we want to exclude the "yes but" option: we
   allow a "no" answer with the possibility of "hint" information for
   success next time. For a "yes but", we are not going to provide "yes
   but here is additional info to be used to say no if you don't want to
   say yes".

   Bob has been putting together a version of Phil's assertions on this
   type of topic and will try to fit this in. Joe P will help.

   If we put unique identifiers in assertions then we can put in a
   "blank form/template" defining the type of information you want back.
   You only get a (not necessarily proper) subset of the information
   back. Similar to DCE's template of requested privileges. David O
   pointed out that this is similar to something else (couldn't hear as
   he was too quiet - please provide more info).

ACTION: David O to provide more information here.

   Tim Moses has a proposal related to this that we should look at.
   Boolean response is not part of assertion; status code would indicate
   "yes/no". Simple PEP looks at status code; assertion reaffirms
   question. This could cause problems if need to archive: need to
   rebuild status code + assertion for logging purposes.

   David would like to see whatever we do covered under assertions work,
   and he would like to see a proposal (that we can pick apart). Tim
   will take his work, add "examples" (req/resp for yes, no, and no/but

ACTION: Tim to produce strawman proposal.

- NoPassThruAuthnImpactsPEP2PDP

   (Renamed to reflect Stephen's apparent intent.) The decision to
   exclude Pass-Thru-AuthN may impact the ability to achieve PEP to PDP
   interoperability. Stephen to explain.  No discussion.

- XMLAssertionGenerality

   Should we have one sort of Assertion with different contents (as
   current spec proposes) or a number of assertion types with codes and
   specified contents for each. A related issue is: should there be just
   one sort of assertion reference or more than one. Use of XML
   mechanisms, such as inheritance may be useful here.

   Is there an issue around template or query format? David will write
   this up.

ACTION: David O to write up template vs. query question.  [Was this
satisfied by his writeup on the different possibilities for query
formats?  See:


Or is there a "template" aspect he wanted to bring up too?]

   We will define 1 request and 1 response; binding group will define
   how to use this. Request will include a template for returned
   information/assertion, response will include this info. The hope is
   that there is no situation that bindings group will find that needs
   more than these messages. Goal is to come up with generic req/resp
   that can be reused throughout SAML conversations.

- Enveloped and Enveloping (and Detached)

   Not clear if this is a narrow technical issue about how SAML
   assertions get digitally signed or a broader issue about how SAML
   assertions relate to other, associated XML content.

Roll Call:
Voting Members
Irving    Reid      Baltimore
Krishna   Sankar    Cisco
Brian     Eisenburg      DataChannel
Hal  Lockhart  Entegrity
Carlisle  Adams     Entrust
Alex Berson    Entrust
Tim  Moses     Entrust
Nigel     Edwards   HP
Joe       Pato HP
Jason     Rouault   HP
Kelly     Emo  Jamcracker
David     Orchard   Jamcracker
Gilbert   Pilz Jamcracker
Prateek   Mishra    Netegrity
Adam      Prishtina      Netscape
Jeff      Hodges    Oblix
Charles   Knouse    Oblix
Steve     Anderson  OpenNetwork
Michael   Lyons     OpenNetwork
Mark Griesi    OpenNetworks
Evan      Prodromou Outlook
Jim  Campbell  Sentillion
Jahan     Moreh     Sigaba
Ron  Monzillo  Sun
Aravindan      Ranganathan    Sun
Bob  Blakley   Tivoli
Heather   Hinton    Tivoli
Sridhar   Muppidi   Tivoli
Jeremy    Epstein   webMethods

Prospective Members
Mark O'Neill   Vordel
Pramod    Pathak    Vordel
Bill Pope Bowstreet

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