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Subject: draft-sstc-core-10 sec Element <Evidence>

As with any new element, there are bound to be questions about the
Element <Evidence> defined by section of draft-sstc-core-10 
and core-discussion-00 sections 3.1.1, 4.1.14, and 4.2.3.  Here are
several that may benefit from clarification and discussion. 

1) Is saml:evidence different from saml:advice? Already xtass:evidence 
   shares identical wording with saml:advice, including the missing \)
2) Since an AuthorizationDecisionAssertion is "made subject to the 
   assertions in the Evidence element"
   a) Does the AuthorizationDecisionAssertion certify the textually
      enclosed saml:evidence as valid "jointly and severally", as 
      defined by the Element <Claims>?  If so, what is the purpose 
      of carrying the evidence, and is the evidence unique or complete?
   b) What, if any, are the consistency requirements between multiple
      saml:evidence elements within an AuthorizationDecisionAssertion?
3) Is saml:evidence local to the saml:AuthenticationDecisionAssertion 
   that textually encloses it?  
4) What properties describe the saml:evidence available in a SAMLResponse
   to a SAML protocol AuthorizationQuery, and how does this depend on the
   evidence provided in the query? 


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