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Subject: RE: [soa-blueprints] Call Monday

Hello everybody,

Thanks for joining this meeting.

Lots was discussed, but in short, the following. Please feel free to add
anything I missed.

1) Oleg discussed the status of SOA-RM which is in the version 10 form
--therefore it is fairly advanced. The f2f they will have in Vienna
remains a final stage from which they plan to publish the first version
of RM in a broader scope. Work continues on synchronizing the work of RM
and the blueprints work in particular our FAQ, which will help people
understand the differences between the groups and their scope.

2) Steve Jones and Dan Marchant discussed further work on the SOALogic
case in blueprinting it. Steve has used the wiki to post some multiple
levels of architectural decomposition of this case study, and more work
goes in to identifying next steps for SOALogic

3) John Harby, Raghu Kodali and myself discussed furthering the Generico
blueprint in the areas of management, governance and security.

4) John Harby suggested he might contribute some additional methodology
writings gleaned from customer engagements.

5) David Staggs asked if Auditability might be a worthwhile business
requirement to begin to discuss and possibly blueprint--in terms of
HIPAA, SOX and other compliance architectures, there is a need for
identity best practices with respect to understanding and storing who
requested data which has implications for service reuse design and

6) Other discussions? Please post to the list. If anyone wants to take
on the task of posting minutes to the list, feel free to email me to
volunteer. I'm sure you would do a more thorough job than I would...

Have a happy thanksgiving to all in the US (and anyone outside of the US
who celebrates that), and a happy fall season for others (happy spring
for the southern hemisphere contingent). =) ahh the perils of
international standards bodies--a whole paragraph of notes associated
with saying "happy thanksgiving".


-----Original Message-----
From: Miko Matsumura 
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 11:23 AM
To: soa-blueprints@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [soa-blueprints] Call Monday

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to continue the First and Third Mondays 9AM PST call times.
Monday is the third Monday. I know we rescheduled the first Monday this
month, but lets have the "third Monday" call per usual.

Name  	* Conference call (Conference Call)
Time 	Monday, 21 November 2005, 09:00am to 10:00am PT
Description 	Dial in "800" number

International bridge line
+1 (719) 867-0073


Agenda: Discuss Coalogic and furthering the TC business

Submitter 	Mr. Miko Matsumura
Group	OASIS SOA Adoption Blueprints TC
Access 	This event is visible to OASIS SOA Adoption Blueprints TC and
shared with

    * OASIS Open (General Membership)
    * General Public

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