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Subject: Draft minutes for January 10/11 SOA-EERP TC Meeting - Note next meeting is APRIL 10/11

Called to Order after 6pm US ET (New York).

Roll Call:

Szu Chang
William Cox

Yulin Xu

Meeting is quorate.

Yulin has had email issues with her ChangFeng account; she will work through them with Andy and or Song Jing Jing so she can return as a member.

Motion to make the next meeting April 10/11 as in the OASIS official calendar: Szu Chang. Second William Cox.


"Why can't we meet on Wednesday/Thursday as we have in the past?" 

B: the time was discussed at the last meeting, and approved in email among Andy, Szu, and Bill, then placed in the calendar.

If we want a different time, we'll need to decide very soon on the email list.

Motion carried by unanimous consent.

Motion: Szu Change: Amend and create a standing rule that motions may be moved and seconded and voted on the TC email list. Second: Bill Cox.

Discussion: None

Motion carried by unanimous consent.

Motion to Adjourn 6:27pm New York Time.  Meeting adjourned.

NOTE: NEXT MEETING IS AS IN THE CALENDAR - APRIL 10 New York 6pm, next morning East Asia time.

IF YOU WANT A DIFFERENT TIME PROPOSE IT ON THE LIST.  Only Andy, Szu, and Bill are current voting members and can make motions.
William Cox
Email: wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
Web: http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com
+1 862 485 3696 mobile
+1 908 277 3460 fax

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