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Subject: Re: [soa-rm-editors] draft format

Yes, I suppose that would be ok.

McGregor.Wesley@tbs-sct.gc.ca wrote:

>To clarify further, can one have embedded within the text graphical objects as well?
>You know, the ones created by MS Word itself?
> -----Original Message-----
>From: 	Matthew MacKenzie [mailto:mattm@adobe.com] 
>Sent:	May 3, 2005 9:54 AM
>To:	soa-rm-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
>Subject:	[soa-rm-editors] draft format
>I've found that contrary to my original claim, its a pain in the butt 
>for me to merge text and pdf files back into the master draft.
> From here on out, could you guys provide drafts to me in MS word 
>format.  Please do not apply a template or custom styles.  This makes it 
>easier for me to integrate changes to your drafts going forward.

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