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Subject: Re: [soa-rm] [Duane, need clarification] RE: [soa-rm] Amazon.com andHurricane Katrina - Service Context? Service "Veneer"?


Got me..


Chiusano Joseph wrote:

>I believe we already discussed that recently.
>Joseph Chiusano
>Booz Allen Hamilton
>O: 703-902-6923
>C: 202-251-0731
>Visit us online@ http://www.boozallen.com
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Behera, Prasanta [mailto:pbehera@visa.com] 
>>Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 6:29 PM
>>To: Duane Nickull; Chiusano Joseph
>>Cc: soa-rm@lists.oasis-open.org
>>Subject: RE: [soa-rm] [Duane, need clarification] RE: 
>>[soa-rm] Amazon.com and Hurricane Katrina - Service Context? 
>>Service "Veneer"?
>>One thing we should figure out (I didn't say discuss) is how 
>>to "not discuss" items/issues which has been discussed and 
>>resolved (somewhat).
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Duane Nickull [mailto:dnickull@adobe.com]
>>Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 3:08 PM
>>To: Chiusano Joseph
>>Cc: soa-rm@lists.oasis-open.org
>>Subject: Re: [soa-rm] [Duane, need clarification] RE: 
>>[soa-rm] Amazon.com and Hurricane Catrina - Service Context? 
>>Service "Veneer"?
>>Joseph et al:
>>This is partially true. Orchestration of multiple services is 
>>not something that will be a normative component of the RM, 
>>however it may be mentioned for illustration purposes. See 
>>Vancouver meeting notes for more details.
>>There are many reasons for this. Services themselves would 
>>not be aware of whether they are being called as part of a 
>>larger orchestration vs. a
>>single request, nor should they. There is no fundamental 
>>difference in the way a service may be called that 
>>distinguish these two things.
>>I am very tied up right now but we can table this for our 
>>next call (Agenda pending).
>>Chiusano Joseph wrote:
>>>Okey-dokey. I request clarification from the Chair at this 
>>point for 
>>>us all, please, on where orchestration fits in/will fit in 
>>with our RM
>>>once our 12-month (per our charter) product is released.
>>>Joseph Chiusano
>>>Booz Allen Hamilton
>>>O: 703-902-6923
>>>C: 202-251-0731
>>>Visit us online@ http://www.boozallen.com 
>>>    *From:* John Harby [mailto:jharby@gmail.com]
>>>    *Sent:* Tuesday, September 06, 2005 1:14 PM
>>>    *To:* soa-rm@lists.oasis-open.org
>>>    *Subject:* Re: [soa-rm] Amazon.com and Hurricane 
>>Catrina - Service
>>>    Context? Service "Veneer"?
>>>    I may have missed something several months ago but I would call
>>>    that approach questionable at best.
>>>    On 9/6/05, *Chiusano Joseph* < chiusano_joseph@bah.com
>>>    <mailto:chiusano_joseph@bah.com>> wrote:
>>>        John,
>>>        I believe this was determined several months ago (I say that
>>>        in a helpful way, not in a criticizing way). I don't believe
>>>        we are limited at all in our capability to define service.
>>>        It's just that we need to define certain "basic" aspects
>>>        first, and have other TCs (or perhaps this one in a later
>>>        phase) extend our RM to include capabilities such as
>>>        orchestration. We've sometimes referred to this as a POA
>>>        (Process-Oriented Architecture).
>>>        Hang in there, we'll get there.....
>>>        Joe
>>>        Joseph Chiusano
>>>        Booz Allen Hamilton
>>>        O: 703-902-6923
>>>        C: 202-251-0731
>>>        Visit us online@ http://www.boozallen.com
>>>        <http://www.boozallen.com/>
>>>            *From:* John Harby [mailto:jharby@gmail.com
>>>            <mailto:jharby@gmail.com>]
>>>            *Sent:* Tuesday, September 06, 2005 12:44 PM
>>>            *To:* soa-rm@lists.oasis-open.org
>>>            <mailto:soa-rm@lists.oasis-open.org>
>>>            *Subject:* Re: [soa-rm] Amazon.com 
>><http://Amazon.com> and
>>>            Hurricane Catrina - Service Context? Service "Veneer"?
>>>            I'm surprised that orchestration is out of 
>>scope. I could
>>>            understand how specifics such as BPEL
>>>            would be out of scope but many people will call things
>>>            services that are lorchestrations of other
>>>            services. If orchestration is out of scope then are we
>>>            limited in our capability to define "service"?
>>>            On 9/6/05, *Chiusano Joseph* < chiusano_joseph@bah.com
>>>            <mailto:chiusano_joseph@bah.com>> wrote:
>>>                Emphasizing that orchestration is out of 
>>scope for our
>>>                RM (it's for another RM that can be built on top of
>>>                ours), and speaking only of Web Services: I 
>>would say
>>>                that all Web Services are orchestrable, but not all
>>>                Web Services are "orchestration-ready". That is, in
>>>                order to be "orchestration-ready" a Web Service may
>>>                need to have the ability to participate in a certain
>>>                protocol (e.g. the OASIS WS-CAF 
>>coordination protocol,
>>>                which can be part of orchestration) by implementing
>>>                that protocol.
>>>                For example, a Web Service may need to have the
>>>                capability to register itself with a coordinator
>>>                Joe
>>>                Joseph Chiusano
>>>                Booz Allen Hamilton
>>>                O: 703-902-6923
>>>                C: 202-251-0731
>>>                Visit us online@ http://www.boozallen.com
>>>                <http://www.boozallen.com/>
>>>                    *From:* John Harby [mailto:jharby@gmail.com
>>>                    <mailto:jharby@gmail.com>]
>>>                    *Sent:* Tuesday, September 06, 2005 12:03 PM
>>>                    *To:* soa-rm@lists.oasis-open.org
>>>                    <mailto:soa-rm@lists.oasis-open.org>
>>>                    *Subject:* Re: [soa-rm] Amazon.com
>>>                    <http://Amazon.com> and Hurricane Catrina -
>>>                    Service Context? Service "Veneer"?
>>>                    One question I had was can all services be
>>>                    orchestrated or are there "orchestratable
>>>                    services" and "non-orchestratable services". If
>>>                    there is a distinction, would this orchestration
>>>                    capability be mitigated via policy?
>>>                    John Harby
>>>                    On 9/6/05, *Ken Laskey* <klaskey@mitre.org
>>>                    <mailto:klaskey@mitre.org>> wrote:
>>>                        The actual collection (orchestration?) of
>>>                        services (or more basically, 
>>capabilities that
>>>                        the services access?) will reflect the
>>>                        particular business process, but at a
>>>                        reference model level we can't build a
>>>                        different model for each business 
>>process. The
>>>                        challenge is to identify the concepts from
>>>                        which you can support any business process.
>>>                        (Question: have the previous drafts 
>>of SOA-RM
>>>                        missed any of these concepts?) A previous
>>>                        difficulty when looking at typical use cases
>>>                        is that not every SOA challenge will have a
>>>                        purchase order and a credit card 
>>number. While
>>>                        purchasing is an important use case, a SOA
>>>                        tailored to support the variations of
>>>                        purchasing may fail badly in 
>>addressing, say,
>>>                        the need to find and access real 
>>time disaster
>>>                        data.
>>>                        Ken
>>>                        At 11:23 AM 9/6/2005, 
>>>                        <mailto:marchadr@wellsfargo.com> wrote:
>>>>                        I tend to agree with Steve's point about
>>>>                        having the model reflect the business
>>>>                        processes and then deriving the service
>>>>                        definition from the type of processes the
>>>>                        service will aggregate or use. In 
>>theory, the
>>>>                        payment of a product, service or 
>>donation is
>>>>                        not that different since at the end of the
>>>>                        day it becomes a transaction of a total
>>>>                        amount from one account to the other
>>>>                        (Amazon's in this case) and the entities
>>>>                        (product, service, or donation) are a means
>>>>                        to an end.
>>>>                        The separation of the order versus the
>>>>                        purchasing would probably be the best
>>>>                        approach for the interface design, 
>>since the
>>>>                        order could vary and have polymorphistic
>>>>                        behavior depending on the type of entities
>>>>                        that are a part of the order. (In 
>>some cases,
>>>>                        the order would have a possibility 
>>of having
>>>>                        a donation and a product in the same order
>>>>                        from the UI point of view.) The order would
>>>>                        be used to hold products and start the back
>>>>                        office processing, while the purchase would
>>>>                        make the transaction of money based on a
>>>>                        total amount of the order.
>>>>                        This brings up an issue in some ways of
>>>>                        whether or not the order triggers the
>>>>                        purchase which would result in a service
>>>>                        invoking another service.
>>>>                        The other issue I have been finding is a
>>>>                        return is similar to a purchase since it is
>>>>                        the reverse of the transaction (one account
>>>>                        to another with an amount), since 
>>usually it
>>>>                        is to late to reverse it before it actual
>>>>                        makes a charge. Also in the case of
>>>>                        purchasing large amounts of products and
>>>>                        paying for them and in some back office
>>>>                        process one product is determined to be
>>>>                        discontinued then the reversal of a
>>>>                        transaction will really be based on the
>>>>                        amount of that discontinued transaction and
>>>>                        not the total amount which would almost be
>>>>                        like purchasing the product back from the
>>>>                        customer.
>>>>                        Something to think about. The context seems
>>>>                        to be a good approach for the ordering and
>>>>                        purchasing scenario.
>>>>                        Dan
>>>>                            -----Original Message-----
>>>>                            From: Jones, Steve G [
>>>>                            mailto:steve.g.jones@capgemini.com]
>>>>                            Sent: Monday, September 05, 
>>2005 7:30 AM
>>>>                            To: Ken Laskey; SOA-RM
>>>>                            Subject: RE: [soa-rm] Amazon.com
>>>>                            <http://Amazon.com> and 
>>Hurricane Catrina
>>>>                            - Service Context? Service "Veneer"?
>>>>                            I've found that the only way to model
>>>>                            this is to ensure that you have a
>>>>                            hierarchy of service that 
>>models the full
>>>>                            business rather than 
>>concentrating on the
>>>>                            technical delivery elements. 
>>So you must
>>>>                            model (but not have to directly
>>>>                            implement) the two types of services,
>>>>                            which then act as containers for the
>>>>                            technical services. The higher order
>>>>                            service then has different business
>>>>                            processes that give different results,
>>>>                            but these are hidden from the service
>>>>                            consumers.
>>>>                            What has been the biggest 
>>problem for me
>>>>                            has been how to represent the change in
>>>>                            contract (but not interface) 
>>of a service
>>>>                            due to its different domain. 
>>This isn't a
>>>>                            huge technical challenge at the moment
>>>>                            (as we can't define contracts at all!)
>>>>                            but could become a much bigger 
>>>>                            is future. Some concept of contract
>>>>                            inheritance might work here...
>>>>                            I'm wary of describing groups as things
>>>>                            (like a payment service) as a 
>>>>                            rather than a service as it gets tricky
>>>>                            on granularity, unless you mean that a
>>>>                            capability is a single invocation on a
>>>>                            service?
>>>>                            If we deal in RM around Service
>>>>                            boundaries and the concept of hierarchy
>>>>                            then we don't have a new service just a
>>>>                            different context. Where it gets tricky
>>>>                            for me is when you have a 
>>service that IS
>>>>                            clearly re-used but is actually
>>>>                            completely separate. You get 
>>this in some
>>>>                            compliance sensitive areas 
>>where they use
>>>>                            identical solutions but completely
>>>>                            separate instances. This is 
>>different to
>>>>                            ones where they do that just 
>>because they
>>>>                            can, there is a broader context that
>>>>                            means they MUST be kept separate... a
>>>>                            bugger to model.
>>>>                            In part I'm interested in how we are
>>>>                            putting hierarchy into the RM?
>>>>                            Steve
>>>>                            From: Ken Laskey [
>>>>                            Sent: 05 September 2005 15:12
>>>>                            To: SOA-RM
>>>>                            Subject: Re: [soa-rm] Amazon.com
>>>>                            <http://Amazon.com> and 
>>Hurricane Catrina
>>>>                            - Service Context? Service "Veneer"?
>>>                        Steve,
>>>                        I believe we are saying the same 
>>thing. If the
>>>                        service is specifying the item to 
>>be purchased
>>>                        by UPC, it is the same service in a 
>>>                        context. In this case, the donation would be
>>>                        added to the general catalog and the user
>>>                        interaction would be the same. I'd consider
>>>                        the "broader service" to be what I call the
>>>                        underlying capability, i.e. the money
>>>                        collection in return for something. The
>>>                        consumer sees the real world effect of that
>>>                        capability existing and there being 
>>a service
>>>                        to access it, but never sees the capability
>>>                        itself.
>>>                        However, note that with both Amazon 
>>and Apple
>>>                        there are new means to invoke the service
>>>                        (special links) and the service 
>>interacts with
>>>                        the consumer in ways different than 
>>the usual.
>>>                        For these reasons I'd say that for the new
>>>                        context Amazon and Apple created 
>>new services
>>>                        (where here I mean services in the SOA
>>>                        context) to repurpose existing 
>>capability (the
>>>                        provisioning of which may be called 
>>a service
>>>                        in the more general business 
>>context). I'm not
>>>                        sure what Amazon and Apple did made 
>>use of any
>>>                        SOA magic but it was nice reuse of 
>>>                        Does this bugger things up? I think it does
>>>                        only if we need to be definitive when you
>>>                        cross the line from reusing a service to
>>>                        having a new one. I'm not sure for 
>>the SOA-RM
>>>                        that we need to draw that line or even
>>>                        acknowledge that it may exist.
>>>                        Ken
>>>                        On Sep 5, 2005, at 4:37 AM, Jones, Steve G
>>>                        Again not to raise old threads... but
>>>                        This for me is the concept of context, the
>>>                        context has changed which means the 
>>impact of
>>>                        the service is different, its implementation
>>>                        and execution may however remain 
>>identical. So
>>>                        the "Collection" service in this case always
>>>                        results in Money being taken and added to a
>>>                        general leger with a UPC for the 
>>product code
>>>                        (for example). The difference is that in the
>>>                        charity domain it results in the further
>>>                        sending of that money onto the charity
>>>                        represented by the UPC, whereas in the
>>>                        purchasing domain you get a song to 
>>>                        The actual collection service therefore
>>>                        remains unchanged but there is a broader
>>>                        service (whose interface you don't directly
>>>                        see but assume) which controls the whole
>>>                        And I can safely say that these 
>>things can be
>>>                        a bugger to model.
>>>                        From: Ken Laskey [mailto:klaskey@mitre.org]
>>>                        Sent: 05 September 2005 01:29
>>>                        To: SOA-RM
>>>                        Subject: Re: [soa-rm] Amazon.com
>>>                        <http://Amazon.com> and Hurricane Catrina -
>>>                        Service Context? Service "Veneer"?
>>>                        And the answer, as always, is it depends. In
>>>                        my example of buying by UPC symbol, 
>>it is the
>>>                        same but possibly because the use of the UPC
>>>                        symbol has been expanded. In the case of
>>>                        having a new service that, let's say,
>>>                        automatically substitutes the charity item
>>>                        number for your choice of a song item number
>>>                        and maybe gives specialized feedback to the
>>>                        consumer saying thank you for responding to
>>>                        the hurricane emergency, I'd say it is a
>>>                        different service. It is derived from the
>>>                        original but I'd say it is different.
>>>                        Ken
>>>                        P.S. and with this busy hurricane season, we
>>>                        are up to Katrina.
>>>                        P.P.S. Another interesting aspect is if you
>>>                        had a computer that hadn't already accepted
>>>                        the iTunes terms and conditions, you were
>>>                        first presented with their click-through
>>>                        agreement before you contribute. So we also
>>>                        have an interesting reuse of policy and the
>>>                        need to form a contract.
>>>                        On Sep 4, 2005, at 7:14 PM, Chiusano Joseph
>>>                        <Quote>
>>>                        Is there also a concept of a service having
>>>                        the same interface but by operating in a
>>>                        different domain (e.g. charity) it acts
>>>                        different for the same interface?
>>>                        </Quote>
>>>                        Which raises another question we've been
>>>                        through before in the TC (several 
>>months ago):
>>>                        Is it the same service in both 
>>cases? That is,
>>>                        are the "normal" Amazon.com
>>>                        <http://Amazon.com> order placement service
>>>                        (with credit card info on file, and 
>>>                        each time) and this new "hurricane donation"
>>>                        service really the same service?
>>>                        Joe
>>>                        P.S. Not trying to resurrect a permathread -
>>>                        just tying a recent observation in 
>>with a past
>>>                        exchange, to see it in a new light.
>>>                        From: Jones, Steve G [
>>>                        mailto:steve.g.jones@capgemini.com]
>>>                        Sent: Sun 9/4/2005 5:25 PM
>>>                        To: Ken Laskey; Chiusano Joseph
>>>                        Cc: SOA-RM
>>>                        Subject: RE: [soa-rm] Amazon.com
>>>                        <http://Amazon.com> and Hurricane Catrina -
>>>                        Service Context? Service "Veneer"?
>>>                        Is there also a concept of a service having
>>>                        the same interface but by operating in a
>>>                        different domain (e.g. charity) it acts
>>>                        different for the same interface? In effect
>>>                        its business contract is changed by 
>>a business
>>>                        driver outside of its scope, while its
>>>                        functionality (collecting money) remains the
>>>                        same its imperative is changed by the wider
>>>                        business context in which it now sits.
>>>                        Steve
>>>                        From: Ken Laskey [mailto:klaskey@mitre.org]
>>>                        Sent: 04 September 2005 21:22
>>>                        To: Chiusano Joseph
>>>                        Cc: SOA-RM
>>>                        Subject: Re: [soa-rm] Amazon.com
>>>                        <http://Amazon.com> and Hurricane Catrina -
>>>                        Service Context? Service "Veneer"?
>>>                        Apple also did this with their iTunes Music
>>>                        Store: click the link and you order 
>>a donation
>>>                        instead of a song.
>>>                        This is why I keep insisting on
>>>                        differentiating between the service and the
>>>                        capability. The underlying capability is to
>>>                        collect money for a purpose. The service
>>>                        provides the interface for doing that.
>>>                        Typically, you invoke the 
>>capability through a
>>>                        service that enables you to buy a book (or a
>>>                        song) but a new service invokes that
>>>                        capability (with a new user facing interface
>>>                        for Apple; I haven't checked 
>>Amazon) to "buy"
>>>                        a donation. The power is the capability is
>>>                        reusable by making it accessible through a
>>>                        different service.
>>>                        Now note if I buy something through 
>>a service
>>>                        that allowed me to specify the UPC code, I
>>>                        could buy a donation through their existing
>>>                        service with that UPC, i.e. reusing the
>>>                        service for a purpose similar to 
>>but different
>>>                        from its original purpose. In fact, several
>>>                        supermarkets around here do support that
>>>                        because they have little tear-off tablets at
>>>                        the checkout for certain hunger 
>>>                        and you can hand the clerk a page 
>>for $1, $5,
>>>                        or $10.
>>>                        Many interesting variations and our RM just
>>>                        has to capture the concepts that 
>>can describe
>>>                        any of them. I think I'll mow the lawn and
>>>                        think about this some more.
>>>                        Ken
>>>                        On Sep 4, 2005, at 4:06 PM, Chiusano Joseph
>>>                        One thing that I discovered regarding the
>>>                        horrible catastrophe in the Southern US is
>>>                        that Amazon.com <http://Amazon.com> enabled
>>>                        people to use its online ordering service to
>>>                        make a donation. One could use the 
>>credit card
>>>                        information that Amazon.com
>>>                        <http://Amazon.com> already had 
>>online to make
>>>                        a donation in what it called "1-Click
>>>                        Donation" (or something similar).
>>>                        So instead of placing an order for 
>>a book, CD,
>>>                        etc., your "order" was your 
>>donation, and you
>>>                        could view your "order" online, which (as I
>>>                        recall) would show the amount that you
>>>                        Something that came to my mind is: 
>>What would
>>>                        this placing of a "new face" on a existing
>>>                        service be called? Is it a different context
>>>                        for the ordering service? (i.e. in 
>>the context
>>>                        of Hurrican Katrina) Is it a 
>>"veneer" that was
>>>                        placed on top of the existing 
>>service? None of
>>>                        the above?
>>>                        Joe
>>>                        Joseph Chiusano
>>>                        Booz Allen Hamilton
>>>                        O: 703-902-6923
>>>                        C: 202-251-0731
>>>                        Visit us online@ http://www.boozallen.com
>>>                        <http://www.boozallen.com/>
>>>                        ---
>>>                        Ken Laskey
>>>                        MITRE Corporation, M/S H305 phone:
>>>                        7515 Colshire Drive fax: 703-983-1379
>>>                        McLean VA 22102-7508
>>>                        This message contains information 
>>that may be
>>>                        privileged or confidential and is 
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>>>                        of the Capgemini Group. It is intended only
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>>>                        disseminate, distribute, or use this message
>>>                        or any part thereof. If you receive this
>>>                        message in error, please notify the sender
>>>                        immediately and delete all copies of this
>>>                        ---
>>>                        Ken Laskey
>>>                        MITRE Corporation, M/S H305 phone:
>>>                        7515 Colshire Drive fax: 703-983-1379
>>>                        McLean VA 22102-7508
>>>                        This message contains information 
>>that may be
>>>                        privileged or confidential and is 
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>>>                        ---
>>>                        Ken Laskey
>>>                        MITRE Corporation, M/S H305 phone:
>>>                        7515 Colshire Drive fax: 703-983-1379
>>>                        McLean VA 22102-7508
>>>                        This message contains information 
>>that may be
>>>                        privileged or confidential and is 
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>>>                    --
>>>                    / Ken Laskey \
>>>                    | MITRE Corporation, M/S H305 phone: 
>>>                    | 7515 Colshire Drive fax: 703-983-1379 |
>>>                    \ McLean VA 22102-7508 /

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