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Subject: [soa-rm] ZapThink article: "Why is SOA taking so long?"

I just read the below article on searchwebservices.techtarget.com and thought I would pass it along.  Interesting perspective.  Thoughts/comments?
Original article at: http://searchwebservices.techtarget.com/tip/1,289483,sid26_gci1132084,00.html?track=NL-130&ad=530406
Why is SOA taking so long?

Jason Bloomberg, Senior Analyst, ZapThink, LLC
Rating: -4.50- (out of 5)


At a recent conference, ZapThink spoke with an enterprise architect who bemoaned the fact that his organization was ready to get started on their service-oriented architecture (SOA) initiatives back in 2003, but now it's two years later, and they have made surprisingly little headway. Compounding his frustration is the pressure he is getting from his colleagues who want updates on his progress. Unfortunately, this architect is not alone. Many organizations are finding it more difficult than they had expected to put SOA into practice.

At this point in the evolution of the market, organizations seem to understand what SOA is and why they should do it, but there's still broad confusion about how to implement SOA in a way that guarantees business benefit and keeps the ball rolling. Some firms find that some combination of organizational, technological, or architectural issues bring their SOA initiatives to a standstill. Other companies lack sufficient buy-in from business executives to take SOA past the pilot stage. In fact, we have identified several specific roadblocks that are preventing companies from making more progress with their SOA initiatives. Here are the worst of today's SOA roadblocks:

The ZapThink Take
Like any good coach, when something is preventing team members from reaching their full potential, it's our job to recognize the problem, point it out, and help them solve the problem so that they can get back on track. If the SOA team is dropping the ball, the coach is going to yell -- but not because the coach thinks the team can't perform, or that the game cannot be won. On the contrary, the coach yells at the team precisely because tough love is just what the team needs at the difficult times that all teams go through. Therefore, while the roadblocks listed above are problematic, you can overcome each and every one of them. The secret is to take things one step at a time. ZapThink espouses taking an iterative approach to SOA as a key best practice, not only because requirements are constantly in flux, but also because there are so many pitfalls like the ones above on the road to successful enterprise SOA implementations.

Architects not up to speed? Train them. Standards not mature enough? Work around them. Too many selfish, stubborn people in your organization? Convince or reassign them. Vendors giving you the runaround? Pressure or replace them. None of the roadblocks above are preventing you from taking the first steps toward putting together a high-level SOA plan, or assembling a few loosely coupled services. Roadblocks may slow you down, but there's no question that for the vast majority of organizations considering SOA today, the fundamental business benefits of SOA outweigh the disadvantages. Be patient, be persistent, and be ready to learn new things, and you will eventually be successful with your SOA initiatives.

Copyright 2005. Originally published by ZapThink LLC, reprinted with permission. ZapThink LLC provides quality, high-value, focused research, analysis, and insight on emerging technologies that will have a high impact on the way business will be run in the future. To register for a free e-mail subscription to ZapFlash, click here.

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